Im sorry

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     "Hey, I just want to say good morning, I love you. Anyway call me before you go to bed tonight please? I really want to hear your voice!" You kept playing his voicemails on your phone.

    "I love you too, why can't you see it?" You sobbed, remembering the fight you guys had before he left you.

     "YOU WAS CHEATING ON ME! I SAW YOU!" He yelled at you the week before.

      "No, I told you he was my brother. We was going to hang out, remember?" I spoke calmly, crying at the same time.

       "Whatever, I'm done. If you going to lie to me, I'm leaving. Bye (y/n)."
         You thought he didn't mean it. But he did. He left, and never came back.

           Now you was full out crying. Why does everything bad happen to you? First your brother get cancer and only have 3 weeks to survive, and now Niall left you.

           You decided to change yourself. Never ever will you ever trust a boy again. You vowed to yourself. Niall broke you, and he going to pay for that.

            Walking over to his house, you carried his stuffs he left at your house.

              You saw him outside, smoking. He look like he been crying.. You dropped all his stuffs on his lawn, making him jump.

               "(Y/n)! I'm sorry-"

                 "Save it, I don't need you. I just need me. Bye Ni. Have a nice life. With out me."

                   You wAlked off, feeling proud. But soon after, you found yourself missing him. And you could tell he regrets losing you.

        Nialloffical: I lost my princess last week, after a stupid mistake I made, is there any way I could turn back time? 😭

        "No. There's not." You told yourself. "You don't need a man, remember?"

       But your heart was telling you to forgive him, let it all go, he regrets it. Right?

       It's was a hard decision to make. Which to choose? Your heart? Or your mind?

      Sometimes.. The right choice, isn't the easiest. That was true.

        So you agreed with your mind.

         And now... You regrets it.. Niall have a girlfriend while you was crying out for him.

         One day, you got a phone call.



            "That's me."

             "How would you like to open for One Direction concert?"

             "No way! Yes for sure!"

              "Okay, the first concert is tomorrow in Boston. See ya there."


                You packed everything you need, then you left. Forgetting about one thing, Niall was in One Direction.

                "Hey (y/n)! Thank for agreeing to this! Your singing is amazing!"

               "Thank, and I'm glad to be here."


                "Wait. Is that-?"

                 "I miss you!" He exclaimed hugging you.

                 So do I.

                  "What about your girlfriend?" You scoffed, pushing him off you.

                   "We broke up. I miss you, please. I'm sorry okay, really! It was the worst mistake of my life!"

                     "And why should I be with you?"

                 Just take him back idiot!


             "I love you Ni, and I don't think that will change."

              He grinned, hugging me so tight, and kissing me so hard.


    Hatin 8th grade af t(-.-t) but is high school worst? I have LOADS of homework (nah but I feel like it bc I get tired :( ) but I wrote this in my notes and liked it so... ^_~

    Also if I make a art book showing my arts will any of you read it? It might have some thoughts so you guys can learn about me if y'all want ~blushes~

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