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I look at my crowd again, and I notice that it's full. I starts to sweat, and my band mate come up behind me.
"Niall, calm down. It's not our first time doing this kind of shows, you'll do awesome."
"Thank Harry, I needed that."
"I could tell. Anyway, Lou is looking for you."
I nods, and run to the dressing room.
"Niall, there you are. Get your butt over there in that chair," Lou smiles.
I grins, and sit down. She starts to fix my hair, then asks, "How are you feeling?"
"Honestly, extra nervous. I feel like something is going to happen today."
Lou nods, "I understand. Just play your best. They will love you no matter what."
I smiles, "Thank you, Lou." I hugs her.
"Niall, we gotta get onstage!" Louis yells.
I runs with the boys onstage, and everyone screams.
I grins, and notices a girl in the front row, signing to her friend.
She's beautiful, I thought.
She then looks at me and blush.
I smiles at her and she grins.
Her friend start screaming and hugging her.
Then I start singing.
"so get out get out get out of my head.."
I looks into her eyes, and notices she's signing along to our songs.
When the song ends, Harry start talking, "I hope Niall find the one today. He had been single for too long."
I nods, "I think I did," then winks.
All the girls start screaming, but I walk to where the mystery girl was.
"It's you. Wanna go on a date with me?"
She looks confused, then points to her ears.
Oh, she's deaf.
I smiles, and make a heart with my hands and point to her.
She blushes, and nods.
I grins, and run back to the boys.


also I saw Niall Horan twice! I went to his concerts in Kansas City and St. Louis. He is amazing. In St. Louis, I got to sit in the front. He saw me and smiled at me! Best day of my life to say the least.
This imagine is like a dream for me, something I wish happened to me. Hope you guys enjoys. ❤️

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