The new kid

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"(Y/n), wake up!" I heard.

"Ugh, mom! (A/n- or dad in my case) i whined.

"You got to go to school!"

"Ugh what ever!" I got up, put on my Taylor swift shirt with jeans, then I grabbed my fall out boys hoodie.

"Bye mom!" I yelled. I slammed the door. I could hear her yelling to stop slamming the door. I started to walk.

Along the way, I saw a young boy. I had never seen him before. I wonder if he's new at my school..

    "Hey (y/n)!" My friends called.

  "Hi guys!" I replied back.

   "I heard there will be a new boy!" (Y/BFF/N) squealed.

    "I think I saw him..." I said, remembering the boy with brown hair. A/N- fetus Nialler!

    "Lucky you! Was he cute?" She asked.

   I rolled my eyes in response. "When do I ever care if a boy is cute or not?"

   She glared at me. "Fine, yeah, she was cute."

   "Thank you! I HOPE HE WILL ASK ME OUT!"

   I looked around, then walk away, leaving her to fangirl.

   Anyway I had to go to class. I walked down to my locker to put away my backpack and got out my social studies book.

   "Hey!" I heard. I turned around.

  "Hey!" I replied. It was my boyfriend.

  "Want to walk together? I'll carry your books."

   "Jake! (Random name) You know what I'm gonna say! NO! But yeah let walk together."

   "Okay babe." He kissed my cheek.

  I blushed, "Not here!"

   "But I love making you blush." Jake teased.

  We started walking, and he started talking.

  "You know, I heard what you said about the new kid."

  "Oh, I was just saying that because she was annoying me!"

  "I know, but it made me jealous.."

  This was one of the reason why I love him; we could talk about anything!

   "Don't be, you know I love you."

   "I love you too." He smiled.

  We reached our class and walked in.

   "Hey ms. Hen!"

  "Hey kids! Sit down and work!" She replied cheerfully.

   We sat down next to each other. Everyone else came in. Then there was a knock.

   "Come in!" Ms. Hen called.

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