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*a requested post by @Shannon1300

niall woke up, getting ready for an interview he has that day. he turned over to his beautiful boyfriend, harry. he frowned when he saw harry's tan face being pale. he reached out to check for a fever and yelp when he felt the hot forehead.

he woke up harry, and ask how he feel.

"i don't feel good," harry frowned. "you have a fever honey," niall responded. harry groaned, and ran out of the room to go to the bathroom. niall cringed, hearing the gagging noise and went to help him.

"i'm sorry niall, i know you have a interview," harry looked down. niall shrugged, "you're more important than any interview. they can wait." harry smiled slightly and niall helped him back to bed.

harry laid back down and niall handed him a stuffed animal he won for harry at a fair. harry cuddled into it, and niall left the room.

a few moment passed, and niall came back with medicine and sprite. "take this baby. it'll help you feel better." harry shook his head no. "i don't like the taste of it," he frowned.

niall grabbed the teddy bear, and said, "if you take this, you can have ted back." harry nodded slowly, and grabbed for the medicine. he quickly swallowed it, and niall handed the bear back to his curly haired boyfriend.

harry smiled, then niall covered him with the blanket. "go to sleep hazza, i'll be here."

a hour passed, and niall, who was cuddling with harry, woke up to movements. he looked over to harry and saw him trashing and turning in his sleep. niall shook him awake, and harry woke up with a yelp.

niall looked at his boyfriend, who face was wet with tears streaming his face. "what's wrong?"

"i had a nightmare," harry sobbed. "you broke up with me, and you wouldn't save me when someone was trying to kill me."

niall frowned, "its just a nightmare. i would never do that to you, i love you babe." niall took harry into a tight squeeze.

harry squeezed back, "i love you too."

they fell back asleep, with no worries in their mind. only their love for each other.

hey guys, sorry for not updating. i had some problems at school but i'm back. this was a request so i hope you enjoyed this! i have more ideas for this book, so i'll update soon (: <3
-Jen 😚

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