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i grabs another drink, my visions becoming hazy as i had too much to drink.
beside me, my friend get off her seat to follow some boy.
i look behind me and see her with a boy with curly hair. i rolls my eye.
i take a sip and set my drink down. i look around to observe the scene.
then i hear a slam beside me. i look over and see a man punching another man.
"hey stop, what are you doing?" i yells.
the man stop punching, and replies with, "he tried to spike your drink. don't you know to never set your drink or lose sight of it?"
i glares at my drink, then him, "as matter of fact, yes. but thank you for caring. i appreciate it."
the man blush, "my name is Niall Horan. i don't know if you know me or not.."
"no, i do not recall. my name is (y/n). nice to meet you."
he smiles, "you too, wanna exchange phone numbers?"
"sure!" i take his phone and add my number. i then take a picture for my profile picture and hand it over.
"thank you! i'll text you soon and maybe we can go out for coffee?"
"maybe," i winks.
he leaves and i blush.
how did that happens?
the next day, i get a text message.
'hey, it's niall from the bar. i'm just wondering if you want to get coffee today?'
i smiles, 'from where?'
'is that a yes? yessss! and i don't know all the good coffee spots, i'm just visiting this city.'
'oh, then you must know everything. meet me at starbucks by the inn.'
i get ready, putting on my sweater and leggings since it's cold outside. i go to the bathroom to do my makeup and i'm done.
i rush to put on my uggs and leave my house.
i drive to starbucks and when i arrives, i see a bunch of girls crowding a table.
i shrugs and sit down at a empty table. then i get a text message, 'pick up the order for niall. i'm outside in my car.'
'um okay?'
i go up to the worker, "can i have the order for niall?"
"yes! two hot chocolate coming up!"
she comes back with the drinks and says, "bye, have a good day!"
"bye, thank you."
i walk out and look for him.
he open the door and call my name, "(y/n), over here!"
i walk over and get in his car.
"hi niall. why aren't we inside?"
"um... there's something you should know. you know one direction?"
"the band that broke up 5 years ago? yeah i used to listen to them."
"i'm the niall horan. from one direction."
i freezes.
"the niall horan? the blonde cutie?"
he nods.
"what? for real? oh. my. god. you was my favorite from the band!"
he blushes, "i hope this doesn't change anything. i'm still normal."
"of course, your band doesn't define you. by the way, here's $5 dollars, for my drink."
"no, i paid for it."
"fine, but i'm paying for lunch."
we stop at a mexican restaurant which is my favorite.
"the burrito is really good here."
"hm, i guess i'll have to try it."
we both order the drinks and chat about life.
soon, the waitress come by, "may i get your order?"
"yeah, we would like burrito please," niall says. i smiles, and hand over the menu.
"so, why are you in town?" i asks.
"right, i have a concert. you should come! i'll let you backstage."
i blush, "you shouldn't. you just met me."
"if i just met you, then why does it feel like i've known you forever?" niall asks.
i nods, "i know right. it's weird."
"so is that a yes?"
"sure," i laughs.
we keep talking and eating our food.
when we was done, i looks up at niall, "you should go to the park. it's free, and i love that park."
"okay, take me there." i take his hand and lead him to his car. i points out the direction to get there, and soon we arrives.
i climbs out of the car, and i run to the swing set.
"this is where i had my first kiss. it was awful," i laughs.
"what happened?" niall asks curiously.
"so i was swinging, waiting for my best friend to get here. his name was josh. he came and said he wanted to kiss a girl. but he didn't know how to, so i offers to practice. we was both bad," i replied.
he laughs, "wow, what ever happened to your best friend?"
"oh, depression took over, and uhm... he ended up killing himself."
"oh, i'm sorry. i know what's that like. one of my close friend killed himself recently also." he frowns.
i lean over to hug him, and he hugs back.
"wow, i did not expect this to become sad. anyway, that slide is where i broke my arm for the first time," i says.
"really? for the first time?"
"and the last, i became very careful after that."
he laughs, "i can understand."
"yeah. i just realized, i've been talking about myself. tell me about you!"
niall laughs, "there's not much to tell about me."
"tell me about your first kiss!"
"oh okay. so what happened was this girl, i had a huge crush on her for the longest time. one day i finally got urge to tell her i like her, and she told me she liked me back. she kissed me, then ran off to her friends who gave her five dollars each."
"wow, that must have sucked. i'm sorry," i says, half laughing.
he smiles, "eh, after a while, i realized she was a bitch."
we kept talking, and soon he got a phone call.
"oh, my concert is starting in a hour. let's go!" i follows him to his car, and we drives to the stadium.
when we arrives, there was a crowd of girls, and niall hides me.
"those girls are crazy, some of them. i don't want anything to happen to you."
"thanks niall."
we walks into the place, and he leads me backstage.
i sit on the couch while someone starts to work on niall's hair.
the lady smiles, "hello there. my name is lou. who are you?"
"i'm (y/n). i've been showing him around today." i smiles.
lou smiles, "ah, you must be the girl niall was talking about yesterday."
i was confused, "we just met yesterday at around 3 in the morning..."
niall blushes, "lou doesnt know what hes talking about."
"niall! you drunkly called me about a girl you met that you thought was beautiful."
i blushes, "thanks but im not beautiful."
niall laughs, "that was a funny joke! you're the most beautiful person i had seen in the world."
i blush harder, "thanks."
lou pushes niall out. "no more chit chat, you got a concert, young man."
niall pout, "see ya, (y/n)!"
he runs on stage, and i watches his face light up. he was truly happy to be on that stage. i smiles, thinking about how handsome he is, then realized, he can't date me.
he would travel the world, while i'm over here, working my ass off.
i look up to see niall smiling at me.
we just met each other, but it feels we knew each other for a long time.
after the show, niall ran over to me.
"how was it?" he asks.
"you was amazing."
he grins, "thank you."
we blushes, then an awkward silence follows.
"so um, do you think you want to keep dating me?" niall asks.
"oh—but you tours, i'm stuck here working. how would we see each other?"
"i'll visit you every break, and we can facetime."
i smile, "okay, let's keep dating then."
he smiles, "can i kiss you?"
i smiles back, "go ahead."
he leans in and i kiss him.
it felt right.
he's the one for me.

i'm so sorry i know i keep saying i'll update but i never do.. its just that i'm starting to hate writing...
(long story involving my deaf ed teacher)
but im trying to get into it, i promise. i'll start updating when i get in the mood. and i'll update every sunday when it happen! (: thank you for understanding xox jen

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