Im not ready pt3

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I took a taxis to the airport.

"That would be $4.00 please." The driver told me.

I handed him the money and walked inside the building.

"Hello, how may I help you?" The women, Alexia, asked.

"I would like a ticket to America. Please."

"No problem!" She exclaimed cheerfully.

I smiled, and handed her the money.

"The plane is over there," she pointed to the left of me.

"Okay, thank." I walked, and they took my ticket, scan it, and gave it back to me.

"Go aboard." The guy smiled.

I smiled back and walked onto the plane. "Hey, are you (y/n)? Niall girlfriend?" A women asked.

"Not anymore. He broke up with me." I replied, tearing up as the words sink in. I'm not Niall's anymore. And Niall is not mine.

"Why? You don't have to tell, but if you want, I won't tell." She offered.

"I'm pregnant. And Niall don't want it. He told me to either give it away, abort it, or leave. So I left," I explained, holding back the tears.

"Oh, I'm sorry! My husband did the same thing. But if you really love them, you'll forgive them and let them explain. He probably just grumpy or something." She smiled.

"Thank. What's your name?"


"Hey Sophie." I laughed.

She laughed along with me.

And my phone rang. I answered it right away, "Hello?"

"It's me. Niall. I'm really sorry! Where are you? I'm worrying about you! Please come back to me? I was fed up with the management. They told me that I had to break up with you. But I let them win. What is wrong with me?!" Niall sobbed.

"Niall, I'm on a plane." I told him.

"To where?! It's really over?! Oh I really messed up! I have to go!"

"Ni-" He hanged up. "Ugh!" I whispered.

"What's wrong? Was that him?"

"Yeah, he explained and now he think we truly over."

"Go back home."

"Okay. But we're half way to U.S."

She smirked.


"Did you forget that the boys had a tour in U.S.?"

"Ugh I did!" I confessed.

"Tell him that it was a surprise!"

"Genius! Thank!" I hugged her, and she hugged me back.

"No problem." She smiled.

"How would you like to meet the boys?" I asked.

"NO WAY NO FUCKING WAY!!" She shouted.

"Shh, and yes way." I smiled.

"You are the best!" She cheered.

Now if we ever get there.


Part 4 coming up don't worry. (:

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