too much to ask

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waiting here for someone
only yesterday we was on the run

i sat on our- my bed. looking at my phone, waiting for any sign, he'll come back. i remember, still, everything we used to do.

you smiled back at me, and your face lit up the sun.
now i'm waiting here for someone.

i remember when we went out for our one year anniversary. we went to the park where we first met. we was talking about how you ran into me, and apologized to me in 5 different languages. we laughed and you looked up at me with that big bright smile. i knew i was in love.
i sighed, looked at the phone again, and laid down.

and oh love, do you feel this tough?
why is it only you i'm thinking of?

i groaned, why do i keep thinking of you? it's obvious you don't want to be with me. it's too painful for me to remember, but i still think of you. why?

my shadow dancing without you for the fist time.
my heart is hoping you'll walk right in tonight.

i walk out to the living room, turned on the music, and dance. our song is playing. remember perfect? by ed? yeah. my head snapped to the door, hoping, wishing, you'll come in with that bright, stupid smile that always bright up my day.

and tell me there's things that you regret.
cause if i'm being honest, i ain't over you yet.

i just want you to come in and tell me that you regrets all our arguing. i want you to come in and tell me you regrets breaking up with me. cause honestly, i'm not over you. and i don't think i ever could.

all i'm asking, is it too much to ask?
someone moving outside.

i run to the window, i swore i saw someone. it's just our- my neighbor, walking his dang dog. i collapse to the ground, sobbing. i miss you.

light come on in the drive
i forget you're not around when i close my eyes.
do you think of me sometimes?

the next morning, i woke up. i see people walking around, having no clue of my pain. funny how when ones in pain, the other is having the time of their life. the lights turned on, and i realize it's just a car driving by. i closed my eyes. i can see you, walking towards me, then i open my eyes. the hallway is empty. i sighed, wondering, do you ever think of me too?

and oh love, watching the sun come up.
does it feel fucked up we're not in love?

i sat by the window, watching the sun. like we used to do. you always said it's ugly compared to me. i laughs at it and blush. i shook my head to get rid of the memory. does it feel messed up we're not dating anymore?

my shadows dancing without you for the first time.
my heart is hoping you'll walk right in tonight.

my best friend, liam, came over. "niall, come on. let's go dancing. i haven't seen you since he left."
i sighed, "okay li. lemme get ready."
we drive to the club, where i look to the door.
maybe if you see me again, you'll love me again.

and tell me there's things that you regrets. cause if i'm being honest, i ain't over you yet.

i just want you to apologizes for what you did. i don't care about all the arguments. i just wanted to hear you say sorry.
liam looks over at me, "how are you?"
"i'm not over him."

all i'm asking is it too much to ask?
my shadows dancing with you for the first time.

i dance in the club with liam, quickly forgetting about the curly haired, green eyed man i love. i walk over to the bar to get some beer. when i grab a beer, i drink it.

my heart is hoping you'll walk right in tonight and tell me there's things that you regrets.

i had a couple beers, and i was drunk. but still, i couldn't forget him. i was still hoping he'll come in, and tell me he regrets everything that happened at the end. or if he regrets ever dating me, that's fine as well. i can take it. maybe.

cause if i'm being honest i ain't over you yet.

i felt someone tap me on my shoulder. "liam, leave me alone. i'll go home later."
"it's not liam," i heard a familiar voice responds.
i turned around, "harry! what are you doing here?"
he shrugs, "i had been here everyday. i knew this was your favorite spot, and i wanted to bump into you somehow."
"why couldn't you just come to our- my house?"
"because i wasn't sure if you still lived there, i didn't want to embarrass myself."
i laugh, then he smiled that beautiful smile of his.

my shadows dancing without you for the first time. my heart is hoping you'll walk right in tonight and tell me there's things that you regrets. cause if i'm being honest i ain't over you yet. cause all i'm asking, is it too much to ask?

we catches up, and i realizes that he does regrets everything. all the arguments, all the yellings, most of all, not staying to work things out. but i smile when he was done, "i regrets things too. i regrets never trying to find you too, for the fear you didn't want me anymore."
he smiles, "there's nothing for you to regrets. but we're together now, right?"
"right." we smiled at each other and i grab his hand, holding it.
forever mine to hold.

is it too much to ask?

i'm too lazy to italicize the lyrics, i'm sorry but i'm low key thinking about changing this to become a narry imagines... should i?

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