I'm not ready

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I picked up the test, positive.

"No! We're not ready for a baby!" I sobbed, throwing the precenty test.

"He will leave me." I thought, before hearing the door slam.

"(Y/N)! I'm home!"

You tried to keep your sobs in but he heard you anyway.

"What wrong?" Niall asked panicky.

"I-I..." I started.

He looked down, and saw the test- positive. "Is this why?" He asked, pointing at the test.

You looked up, silence telling the answer.

"I-I... I'm not ready! You.. Abort it or sent it for adoption.. Or leave.. I'm not ready." Niall spoke, filling in the silence.

"Wha.." You looked up in shock, "listen to yourself! I'm leavening, why should I stay with a selfish bitch?"


"I don't want to hear it. Bye."


Don't worry love, there will be part 2 ^_^

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