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#1: harry,
i hate you. i hate the way you talk, i hate the way you raise your hands to answer every questions, i hate everything about you.
- niall
#2: harry,
i still hate you. i just want you to stop talking to me. you're so annoying.
#3: harry,
i saw you at lunch, you was laughing. super annoying. i saw your friends.. i bet they was laughing at you being stupid. not with you.
#4: harry,
my mom yelled at me for writing you those letters. you told didn't you? you're such a baby. telling on me. great. now i'm grounded. i hate you so much
#5: harry,
is the rumors true? you're gay?
#6: niall,
#7: harry,
ahahaha hahahaha no one would like you.
#8: harry,
i didn't mean it.
#9: harry,
tell me it was all a dream
#10: harry,
it's my fault isn't it?
#11: harry,
i'm sorry. i never hated you. i loved you. i still do. you was the most beautiful man i ever met. it just i'm not out yet. out like you. and i'm sorry.
i'm sorry for bullying harry to the point he killed himself. i was trying to hide my feelings for him, but i took it too far. i regrets it everyday. i love you mom and dad, and greg. and i'm sorry, i have to do this. i cant control the emotions anymore.
breaking news:
17 years old kill himself after causing another boy to kill himself.
read all about it here.

long time no see. sorry for this horrible and sad imagine. i'm going through hard time atm and not in the mood to write. but i promise, i will update more often ((:

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