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  >>please listen to the song while you read. I just want you to. It relates. A little bit. And read the a/n at the end like always XD<<

I finished writing, and put the journal away.
   Then I heard the doors open. And a voice, "(Y/N)! I'm home!"

     "I'm in here!" I called back. Then I checked the hiding spot. I don't want him to find out, not now, not ever.

    He ran up to our room, and smiled when he saw me.

    "I missed you!" He exclaimed.

   "You saw me today! This morning!"

     He pouted, "That  was a long time ago to me. Did you miss me?"

     I pondered, "No..." He frowned and turned to leave, before I grabbed his wrists. "Of course I did you little guy!"

     He grinned, and said, "I got takeouts! Pizza!"

      I ran downstairs to the kitchen, but Niall didn't follow. I froze when he called my name, oh no, what if he found it...

    I walked upstairs to our room.

      He was on the bed, reading. It's my diary, filled with my horrible secrets I don't want anyone to know. Ever.

     "Why didn't you tell me? I could've stopped him from getting to you again!"

   "I... I was ashamed, okay?! I...I thought if I told you, you'll think I'm such a whøre, or a baby that can't protect myself!" I cried out.

     "Of course you can't protect yourself! He raped you. He hurts you. If anything, you should leave me, because I can't take care of my princess," he added, with a tears falling.

      "I...I won't leave you. You'll protect me now.... Right?" I asked, because what if this is all an act?

    "I will, I promise. But please don't keep secrets from me ok?"

     I nodded,"You too!"


I suck. Big time. I've been soooooooooøoooo busy, I'm sorry. :( but I'm back! -JJ

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