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      "Louis, he left again."
       "I'll be there soon."

       "Ok, thank."

       Louis arrived few moments later, and we cuddled on the couch.

      "Why do you need me again?"

       "He still havent talked to me lately, i just feel... unloved."

       "Lizzie," he sighed, "you need to talk to him."

       "I tried! But he always leaving, partying with his friends. Sometimes I think hes cheating on me."

        Louis sighed again, "You know i could treat you better than he can."

        "I know, but i just... Ugh its hard being in love with you and Niall."

        "Being in love with who?" I heard.

        "Niall! Its not what it look like!"

        "It look like youre cheating on me! And you Louis, how could you?"

        "She been feeling unloved Ni! Because you been going out without her, to the point where shes going to me just to feel wanted!"

       "Dont talk to me anymore, both of you." niall spoke after a few moments.

        "Ni-" i started.

        He walked off and slammed the door.


       "Shut up, i dont wanna talk to you anymore. Leave just leave!"

        Louis nodded, then he walked away.

         I sat on the couch, sobbing. Why do I have to be so stupid? I should've tried to talk to him. But instead, i lied to Niall, broken my promises, by cheating on him.

        I eventally fell asleep. I woke up to Niall packing his stuffs.

       "Niall! No! Let me explain please?"


      "I felt unloved because you been going out a lot, i felt like you was cheating on me. So i went to Louis to just feel like you was there. To take care of me. I felt like you didnt love me anymore."

       "You shouldve talk to me Liz, but yeah, i have been doing that. Louis called me, he said that you didnt want to kiss him or sex you know, so i guess i overreacted."

        "A-are you still leaving?"

        "Let me explain, i was writing a song, but i needed help, so i was at Ed house to get a song. I guess i shouldve told you."

        "Yes you shouldve have."

        "I think we should start talking more."

        "Yes," you nodded, "but first, let me go call louis and say sorry. Hopefully we could be best friend again."


    This was reqested, i cant spell today, but i hope you like it asides from the grammar mistakes.

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