talk to him

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"talk to him!" your best friend told you, "you'll love him, i promise."
i rolled my eyes, "i don't need you to hit me up, (y/bff/n). i know how to find guys myself."
"that explains why you don't have any boyfriends, nor ever been on a date."
i smirked, "because i don't need a man."
"just talk to him, pleaseee!"
"fine, i will."
i pull out my phone and text the number.
'hey, it's (y/n). my best friend told me to text you...'
'oh hey (y/n)! (y/bff/n) told me a lot about you.'
i looked up to glare at (y/bff/n). "why did you tell him a lot about me?"
"ask for his name, you'll love him. i promise."
'well, it's not fair that you know my name. what's your?'
'oh, can we save that for some another time... wanna play 20 questions?'
'sure, i'll go first. what's your name?'
'smart ass🤦🏼‍♀️ anyway my name is niall horan.'
'pfft okay don't tell me your name then.'
'i'm for real!'
'yeah and i'm taylor swift!'
i look up to see (y/bff/n) gone. then my phone dinged.
i look down, 'what can i do to convince you?'
'hmm, say (y/n) is the greatest girl in the world on twitter.'
soon after your twitter notification popped up.
'@niallhoran: (y/n) is the greatest girl
in the world.'
i gasp.
'wha- how does my best friend know you?'
'he's dating one of the member.'
'oh- he's dating harry styles. ofc she wouldn't tell me his last name.'
'anyway, i gotta go. you should come to our concert one day! (;'
'can't, i'm broke.'

soon after, i heard a knock. i ran to the door, and saw (y/bff/n).
"harry gave me 2 tickets. wanna go?"
"hell yes! lemme get ready."
i got ready in about 20 minutes and ran to the door. "let's go!"

we drove for about 30 minutes. soon after, we saw the arrowhead stadium come in view.
"oh my god, i can't believe it! i'm gonna see one direction!"
my best friend smirks, "no, you're gonna meet them."
i gasp.
we get out of the car and walk to the stadium.
"hello, i'm (y/bff/n)."
"come in, and is this your friend?"
"yep, (y/n). thanks again preston," she replies.
i smiles at him, and walk inside, following my best friend.
then i see harry come in view.
he and (y/bff/n) run to hug each other, then harry turn to me.
"h-hi, i'm (y/n)..." i stutters.
"i know, she told me a lot about you," harry laughs.
i blush, "it's nice to meet you."

then i heard the most angelic laugh i had ever heard.
the king is coming.
"oh hey (y/bff/n). what's up?" niall asks.
my best friend shrugs, "not much. hey, (y/n) is over there," she points at me.
i blush and smiles shyly.
"hi niall. it's nice to meet you,"
niall ran over to give me a hug. "it's nice to meet you too!"
the rest of the boys come in. i gasp at the sight of liam shirtless.
"oh god. today is the best day ever."
louis replies, "well duh hot stuff. anyway, the concert is starting. cmon lads."
niall grins at me and run after the boys.
me and my best friend stand from the side of the stage, watching the boys sing and mess around.
i sang along to all their songs and dance around, having the time of my life.
soon after, i heard the boys saying bye to their fans, and they walk off stage.

"hey, (y/n)," i hear.
i turn around to see niall.
"yeah?" i replies.
"wanna go somewhere tomorrow to get to know each other better?"
"sure! it's a date! well- it doesn't have to be one if you don't want-"
niall cut me off, "i would love for it to be a date if you want it."
i blush, "trust me, i do want it."

thanks to your best friend setting you guys up, you and niall had the best relationship that lasted for years.

hey guys, this is sorta based on my boyfriend and mine relationship. just that i never went to a concert and he's isn't niall 😂
anyway thank you for reading this and i love you guys ❤️

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