Meeting and A/N

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It was your birthday, and your mother haven't gave you presents yet.

"(Y/N), I saved the best present for last."

"Mom, there is no such thing as a best present," you rolled your eyes while opening it, "unless its a- ONE DIRECTION TICKETS?!"

Your mom smiled, "What was you gonna say?"

"Ok ok this is the best present. Thank you so much mom!" You exclaimed as you hugged your mom.

Your mom then said, "Read the letter."

This is a One Direction VIP ticket

You stared at your mom in disbelief, "Really? You're serious? Oh mom thank you so much!"

"Haha, now go. Its tomorrow."

You ran upstairs and put the tickets in your purse, and started to decide what you're going to wear.

As soon as you decided, you went to bed. Gotta have those beauty sleep ^-<

-sponge Bob voice 12 hour later-

Your alarm clock rang, and you got up. Turning on your radio, you got ready singing to Up All Night. You chose your One Direction shirt (duh), London shorts, and your One Direction shoes. You decided to not wear make up because you want to be natural.

"Mom! I'm leaving now," you called.

Your mom met you at the bottom of the stairs, "Have fun honey."

You hugged her, "Thank you so much mom!"

She laughed then shoot you out of the house, "Have fun."

--One hour later--

You finally arrived at the concert all excited. You brought some money ($70 dollars) that you saved up along with birthday money ($50) so you could buy some more 1D stuffs.

You looked at all the other girls and decided you'll go to your seat.

When you got to your seat, you noticed that it was third row and you silently thank God and your mother.

You began to get hungry so you went to get some chicken and fries along with sprite. You noticed the time and groaned, one hour until you see your boys!

A girl next to you tapped you on your shoulder, "Hi!" she smiled.

You smiled back, "Hi!"

"How lucky are we to be here?! Oh and my name is Alyssa (random name) what's your?"

"(Y/N)!" you replied, "And I know were so lucky!"

"Whose your favorite? Mine is Louis."

"Oh umm Niall."

Then you heard a person behind you, "Hello, I couldn't help but hear you like Niall. He's funny and kind. By the way I"m Bob the security guard."

"Oh hi Bob, and yeah Niall is funny. He's the one who save my life. Without him and 1D I would killed myself."

Bob chuckled, "Well I'm glad to hear that. One Direction adore their fans. They hate it when their fans feel like they need to die."

"It was a hard moment in my life."

Alyssa gasped, "Hey! You sound like Niall!"

"Oh you know, I'm from Ireland maybe that's why? Lol"

You laughed, "Alyssa were just excited to see 1D."


"Well I have to go, have fun!"

You couldn't help but think about what Alyssa said, he did sound like Niall and sorta looked like him too..

You forgot about that when 1D came out. You heard girls around you saying stuffs like

"Louis marry me!"

"I love you guys!"

"Harry have my babies!"

"Niall die!"

You turned your head when you heard that.

You saw it take a toll on Niall. The part he sang, "We took a.. I'm sorry I can't." He ran off the stage, Louis following him. Alyssa and you looked at each other. Alyssa said, "YAY NOUIS!" (tbh me) whilst you said, "I hope that girl get bitten up in her ass and die for doing that to Niall!" (also me lmao)

Harry said, "I'm sorry but since Niall is not feeling up to it, we might have to end the show."

You gasped and you heard the same girl screamed, "You don't have to end it since that worthless freak is off the stage!"

You heard the girl right behind you and you screamed, "This is her!"

The girl told you to shut up. She didn't want to get kicked out. You simply shrugged, and told a guard who took her out.

Now all you wished was to Niall to feel better. You took out your phone and went to twitter.

@y/t/n: Hope @NiallOffical not taking that girl comment seriously, he's perfect. #Niallisperfect

You wasn't that famous but after that tweet, others shared and liked and your hashtag became #1.

Eventally Niall came out, "I want to thank you guys!" then he caught your eyes. "And y/t/n for inspiring me to come out. I love you guys this is for you." He began to sing Summer Love which was your favorite song.

You sang along and before you know it, the concert ended.

You held the vip ticket and went backstage. You went with Alyssa who also got one. You came in and you saw all the prettier girls so you stayed in the background. Niall saw you and made his way to you.

"Hello, y/n."

"How do you know my name?"

"One, its on your Twitter. Two, I was that guard you talked to. You'll be in our movie coming out- This is Us."

You gasped, "Really?"

He nodded, "So would this moment but ignore the camera. Will you go on a date with me?"

You nodded. "Yes I will Nialler!

You guys switched informations and you called him as soon as you got home.


Guys! I'm so sorry for the long wait! I'm just really busy and my book Fire and Ice explains it a little more, but hey I updated this imagine..  Even tho its long and shitty.. I didn't have that much idea...

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