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This is based of 1D's song, history. Enjoy!


You gotta help me, I'm losing my mind. Keep getting the feelings you want to leave it all behind. Thought we was going strong, thought we was holding on. Are we?

Niall pov

We keep fighting every day. I want to fix it. I ran to get the chicken out of the oven and let it cool down. Then I ran to the table to set it up.

Then I got a text,

From (y/n):

Hey, I might be late (: see ya later.

And I wasted all this damn time making the perfect dinner. Oh well, I'll just put it in the microwave.

Does she want to leave me? I thought we was going strong? I thought we were holding on? Are we?

No they don't teach you this in school, now my heart is breaking and I don't know what to do. Thought we was going strong, thought we was holding on, are we?

I never learned to deal with this feeling. It feel like.. My heart are breaking, and I don't know what to do.

From Niall:

Ok, see ya later. (:


You and me got a whole lot of history, we could be the greatest team that the world had ever seen.


"Niall, I have to go, let go of me!" (Y/n) screamed.

I was cuddling against her. She loved it. I frowned, letting go. We used to be happy, we was this perfect couples that everyone loves. The greatest team they claimed.

You and me got a whole lot of history, so don't let it go, we can make some more, live forever!

"We're through!" She screamed the next week.

"No! We was supposed to live forever!" I sobbed.

"No, we wasn't. Niall, I can't live with this." She sighed.

"This is only a test to see if we can fix this! Please!" I plead.

She went to bed with me, and I woke up to her gone.

All the rumors, all the fights, but we always find a way to make it out alive, I thought we was going strong, I thought we was holding on, are we?

I stayed in bed since that morning. I cried again as I remember another fight.

"I'm sick of this! I'm sick of hearing all these lies! Who's lying? You or them?!" She screamed after she saw another rumor of me cheating on her.

"Lies. I promise! They're lying! Please believe me! I'll never cheat on you!" I begged. She believed me. And we made it out alive, that day.

I frowned. I still love her, and I have to look for her.

You and me got a whole lot of history, we could be the greasy team, that the world have ever seen, you and me got a whole lot of history, so don't let it go, we could make some more, live forever!

I went to her best friend house.

"(Y/BF/n), do you know where (y/n) is?" I asked.

"N-no." She lied.

"I know you're lying! Please tell me. We was supposed to live forever!"

   Mini bars, expensive cars, hotel rooms, and new tattoos and the good champagnes and private planes, but the secrets out I figured out that without you here life's just a lie. This is not the end we could make it you know you know!

    I used to think I had all the good things. That I didn't need a girlfriend. But she was there, and I asked her out. I thought it was just a fling at first. Then I started to fall in love.

  And I didn't realize that until she left. I was dumb. Now I understand. People need their soulmate. And I found mine.

   And I lost her.

    You and me got a whole lot of history, we could be the greatest team. That the world had ever seen. You and me got a whole lot of history. So don't let it go, we could make some more. Live forever!

   I didn't give up yet. When you find your soulmate, you never give up on her. But where can I find her if she disappear?

    You and me got a whole lot of history, we could be the greatest team. That the world had ever seen. You and me got a whole lot of history. So don't let it go, we could make some more. Live forever!

     I went to Starbucks, her favorite hang out.

   "(Your fav drink) please." I heard. That sound like (y/n).

   I slowly turned around. There she is! I found her after these hard 3 months!

   "(Y/n)? Is that you?" I asked.

   She turned to look at me and widen her eyes.

   "Niall? Wh- I have to go!"

   "Wai-" but it was too late.

   So don't let me go don't let me go we can live forever!

   I chased after her. "Please! Tell me! Why did you leave?" I yelled.

   She didn't reply. She didn't have to.

   "You get $5 million. Thank you for breaking up."

   "You used me?" I asked, tears streaming down my face. And I ran.

   "Ni-!" I could hear her chasing after me.

   She caught up to me.

   "Niall, he said he k-K-kill me if I don't break up with you. And if I don't go back for 5 months, I'll get money. That I need!"

   "I could give you the money! We could call the police!" I cried.

   "I-I was just scared!" She sobbed, "And fed up with our fights so I finally agreed."

   "You don't have to be my girlfriend if you sick of the fights."

    Baby don't you know baby don't you know?

    "No. Because we can work it out. Niall, I love you."

    "And I love you."

  We could live forever!

  987 words! That's a new record for me! Anyway, how do you like this? This was pretty sad I know. But happy ending! :D okay bye.

   Ps sorry for the long wait. :) IF YOU WANT A IMAGINE OR YOU HAVE A REQUEST , COMMENT OR PM ME! :D




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