porcelain face

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*this is a story that talk about depression and has sensitive topics, if this would trigger you, please don't read. if you ever need someone to talk to, my dms is open i love you guys <3*

also you guys can play the song if y'all want, it's a beautiful song (:

they call me the kid with a cardboard face
a pencil a smile a frown that erase
make me a monster with paper mache
i'm the kid with a cardboard face

-middle school-

everyday niall would wake up to an outfit planned out for him. his parents want him to be perfect, so they would control everything for him.

what sports he play, what songs he listen to, his friends. all chosen for him. he couldn't be himself.

i drew on a hat and black sunglasses.
a girl took my shades and sharpied eyelashes
a boy took my snapback and burned my hair straight
i'm the kid with a cardboard face

school was hell. the kids would constantly make fun of him. they would take his sunglasses and his hats. all the girls would try to put makeup on him, while the boys would try to straighten his hair.

for what? he doesn't know.

he doesn't know why they tourtues him like this. all it does is get him in trouble when he get home.

bruises and marks that he has to cover up.

but i met a girl with a porcelain name
easy to talk to but hard to explain
what should i do when i'm falling for you
the girl with a porcelain name meets a boy with a cardboard face

one day, there was a new student. harry styles, that was his name. niall took a liking toward him. he was different from the other middle schoolers.

he had those long curly brown hair with bright green eyes. he always wore a button down shirt with prints. dark skinny jeans with boots, stuff that no one wore in middle school.

but niall could notice something was off about him. he could see in his green eyes, he's not okay.

niall couldn't understand why. he was perfect, unlike niall.

she went to an artist to make her look new
to cover her scars like a shotgun tattoo
the colors they stayed but then faded away
the girl with the porcelain name

-high school-

the two was best friends now. they know everything there is to know about each other. the fact that niall can't be himself, the fact that harry has depression, and that they both get harmed, one from others, and one from himself.

one day harry came up to niall with a grin. "i want to get a tattoo. a butterfly. to remind myself, when i cut, i hurt you. i think it'll help."

niall couldn't help but hug him, "that sound like a great idea. i'm so so proud of you, you came a long way from middle school haz."

harry smiled then went to get his tattoo.

but it didn't work. the colors of the butterfly slowly faded, with every line that harry caused to himself.

he was disappointed in himself.

but i met a girl with a porcelain name
easy to talk to but hard to explain
what should i do when i'm falling for you
the girl with the porcelain name
meets a boy with a cardboard face

one day, niall came home to his angry parents.

"we know about harry. you can't be friends with him. he's not perfect. you need to keep up your perfect images," his father said.

niall was furious, "you can't take away my only real friend. the only person that actually care about me, for me."

niall felt a slap on his face, a hard one.

"you will listen to us, we care about you," his mother said before leaving.

then his father pulled niall closer.

"if you don't respect us, you might as well be gone. we don't deal with ungrateful brats. at least we care enough to make sure you aren't being bullied."

the irony, niall wanted to say, but he didn't. instead he nodded before heading to his room.

i met a girl with a porcelain name
easy to talk to but hard to explain
what should i do when i'm falling for you
the girl with the porcelain name
meets a boy with a cardboard face


niall sighed in relief as soon as he heard his parents' car drive away. finally he can be free.

but he miss harry, he haven't talked to him in two years. his parents moved, to make sure they can't see each other in school anymore.

but then he smiled, he's in college. he can do whatever he want. first thing first, he ran to a store and bought a hair dye.

he was going to dye his hair blonde.

like he always wanted.

after buying it, he ran to his dorm. he haven't met his roommate, and he was excited. he opened the door, and he gasped.



but i met a girl with a porcelain name
she's easy to talk to she's hard to explain
what do i do cmon tell me it's true

they ran to each other to give each other a hug. when they separated, harry asked for the story of why niall stopped talking to him.

after explaining, both boys sat on harry's bed, just staring at each other.

they never understood, but the whole time, they liked each other.

they was there for each other through each other's hard times, and helped with each other problems.

niall was able to be free, and harry was happier. both had stopped being harmed.

maybe now they can finally be happy with each other.

maybe all they needed was each other.

the girl with the porcelain name
love a boy with a cardboard face


i'm so so sorry this is bad! but i wanted to write a narry imagine with this song, it's one of my favorite! it's absolutely perfection and help me throughout my dark times.

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