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  **this might be triggering to you die to talks of suicide and yeah..**

    I finished up with the dinner and set up the table, then looked at the time: 7:00. Niall should be home soon.

     I sat down on the couch to wait, but 30 minutes turned into a hour, a hour into 2, and at this point I'm sleeping.

     I wakes up to the door opening, and I see Niall pissed drunk.

      "Niall! You told me you'll be home at 7:10!"

       "I did not," He slurs, "say that. Geez, stop lying!"

         I fumed, and yells, "I'm tired of you coming home late all the time being drunk!"

         "That's not my problem! I do what I want. Its not my fault you're clingy and don't have a life!"

        "Fine, I'm leaving!" I yells, going upstairs to pack.

         Niall runs, his being sober after that statement. "(Y/n)! Princess don't leave! I'm sorry!"

          "No, you have been doing this for 2 weeks now, and I'm done. I don't get to see you, and when I have the chance, you goes to the bar! I'm sorry Niall, but you lost your chances."

           I pushed him out of the way, and leaves. I drives to some random hotel for the night and sleep there.


   Meanwhile, Niall was at home, crying. He was smashing all the beer bottles and wine. Glass is all over the floor now but he doesn't care. He lost you.

     He wanted to marry you, he wanted to have kids with you, he wanted to spend forever with you.

      But all that dreams is messed up now, because he had to be stupid and go out.

      He goes to the bathroom, and grabs some pills. He doesn't see the point of living without you.

     Liam comes in, and he sees all the mess, the glass on the floor, the cabinets open up, and he gets worried.

     He knew you had left him, you texted him. And he knew Niall would try to do something.

     He gets nervous when he doesn't his blonde, Irish best friend. He runs, as carefully as he can with the glass, to the bathroom and see him.

    "Niall no!" Liam shouts, smacking the pills out of his hand.

    Niall cries, "I want her. I needs her." He collapse to the floor, crying in his hand.

    Liam bends down, and hug him. (Low-key want to make Niam happens ;)) "I know you loves her, but your actions have concerences."

    "You don't think I learned that from today Dumbass?" Niall growls.

     Liam eyes widen, "I'm sorry geez, but I'm sending Harry to come over here, I don't trust you alone."

    Liam helps him to his bed, and took off his clothes but left on his boxers. Niall went to sleep as soon as his head hit the pillows. Liam felt bad for him, he knew that he was planning to marry (y/n). That was his dreams, all that he talks about.

      Harry walks in, and Liam thanks him for coming and leaves.

       Harry looks at niall, and frowns.

        Even in his sleep, he's still thinking of you. Harry could tell from the frown on his face.

         Harry falls asleep on the bed next to Niall.


         The next day, you wakes up looking for Niall. You thought to yourself, why Am I not in my room with Niall?

         Then you remembers, you broke up with him. You crys because you still loves him, you still cares. You can't forget about him, he was your Irish Prince. Your blonde, well turning brown, blue eyed boyfriend that you wants to marry, wants to have kids with, wants to spend forever with.

    You realizes that you had made a big mistake.

So you go to your and his house.


     Harry wokes up Niall, telling him to get ready for the interview. Niall unwillingly gets up and put on random clothes, not caring anymore. Louis comes by with Liam to pick up Niall and Harry. On the way, Niall sees you but thinks its just his imagination.

       They arrives at the interview place and gets ready. The interviewer asks questions, but one of them was harsh on Niall.

        "Niall, how are you and (y/n)?"

          "U-um... W-we... I'm sorry I can't," Niall says and run of the stage.

           He calls you, and you answers.

           "Pri- i mean (y/n)! Can we talk?"

            You silently cry at the cut of princess. You knew it was hard on him.

            "Yeah, I'm at our flat."

             He calls a taxi and tell him the direction. (I wonder how many directions? Maybe one? Lmao sorry)

              He arrives and runs in. The flat is now clean.

                You comes up to him, "Why did you smash all these bottles and try to take your own life?"

              He lowers his head, "Because I still loves you, and I couldn't see a future without you. I wanted to marry you one day, and maybe have kids along the way. I'm sorry for not spending time with you. But if it makes you feel better, I can stop.

But if you still wants to break up, then fine. I just wants what best for-"

     "Niall! You're the one whose best for me. That's why I came here. I wants to marry you, and have kids with you. I still love you. And i don't think I can stop loving you."

      "Does that mean you're taking me back?" Niall asks hopefully.

       "Yes Ni, but please don't go to the bar as much. You can go to the bar just not everyday."

         "Whatever it takes to get you back," and he kisses you.


     Hey guys! I hope you like this imagine. It sucks a bit but oh well. Im sorry for not updating but I'm busy with high school.

  Also, i made a new story, its a Haylor fanfic calls Out Of The Woods. You can read it if you wants (you should ;))

Make sure to leave a comment and votes please.

   And you can request a imagines or give me some ideas. Thank you! Bye loves- Jen


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