Chapter 5 Looks are Deceiving

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  I just couldn’t stop thinking about what just happened. It’s about eight o’clock and the party’s been over for about an hour but my heart is still beating a mile a minute. Everything about Beckett was amazing; his smile, his eyes and when he opened up to me about his mother I just felt like I could trust him. I mean I even talked about Lisa and I never do that, but I could never tell him that she abuses me. I hate to say it but I’m just scared.

     I started changing into my pajamas, getting ready for bed. I had just spent the last hour helping Aunt Cecilia clean up inside and out while Lisa was up in her room day dreaming. Ever since the party ended she seemed to be in this dream-like state, I mean I called her name a few times but she was just out of it.

     As I brushed out my hair, I heard a knock at my door and then I saw Aunt Cecilia’s face pop through it. That was the only thing I found a bit annoying about her; she knocked but she didn’t wait for a reply, she just waltzed right in.

     “Hello dear, I was just wonderin’ if ya’d like ta take a little walk with me. I’m off ta the Springfield’s home ta give ‘em some left overs cause I know they’re probably still livin’ off my lasagna from yesterday.” She had now walked into my room and was seated on the bed next to me. She had me at Springfield’s.

     “Yeah Aunt Cecilia, I’d love to go for a walk with you.” I said a little bit too enthusiastically. I mean yeah I’d love to spend time with my aunt but I was going to take every chance I got if it was to go see Beckett. But then I looked down at my outfit. I had on these really short black night shorts and my loose red and white “Keep Calm and Love Me” tank top. My aunt seemed to know what I was thinking because she made a comment.

    “Oh trust me honey you look fine.” She said patting me on the knee with her hand. I nodded and we both stood up and made our way to the kitchen. She handed me what looked like some potato salad and some of her homemade chocolate chip cookies and she had some wrapped up steak, baked beans, and corn.

     “Lisa dear, Evie and I are goin’ for a walk. Will ya be alright by yourself?” But all we got in response was a groan that sounded like a yes. Aunt Cecilia and I turned toward each other, laughed and made our way out the door.

     For the first five minutes of our walk there was nothing but silence between the two of us. Then Aunt Cecilia cleared her throat and spoke up.

     “So darlin’ I saw you an’ Beckett chattin’ away near my apple tree.” She said turning towards me and smiling. I began to blush at the fact that someone had seen us and I got a bit embarrassed. “Oh honey, there’s nothin’ ta be embarrassed about.”

     “Oh yeah, that reminds me, I never did get to thank you for helping me out today.” I said. I began to remember what happened after I locked myself in the bathroom…

      “No I can’t do this to myself again.” I thought. “I can’t, not after the last three.”  I had begun to hyperventilate as I thought about all the boys who had rejected me in the past. Then there was a small knock at the door.

     “Evangeline, can ya come out here please?” It was Aunt Cecilia’s voice coming from the other side. I tried to calm myself down but as I opened the door I could still feel my face heating up. When I shut the door and turned around, my aunt was standing in front of me with a sad smile on her face.

     “Come on darlin’ we’ll talk in ya room.”  I nodded my head and we both walked off to my room. Once there, I sat on the bed and waited for her to shut the door behind her.

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