Chapter 17 The Devil Finds Herself A King

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Author's Note: This is like a mini chapter to show what's been going on between Rick, Beckett's dad, and Lisa, Evangeline's mom. Also I hope all these chapters I'm putting up will make up for my slow ass updates I've been doing. Oh and one more thing, you guys should go check out my friend chasingendlessly1842's book Hidden. She's having a cover making contest! Just inbox her about it and she'll give you the detail's. Here's the link to the story,  Love you all and as always, enjoy :-) 


     I woke up to the annoying sound of my cellphone ringing. I turned over in bed and reached for it. When I looked at the screen and saw it was Aunt Cecilia, I just groaned and declined the call.  Before I was able to lay back down I felt a pair of strong arms wrap themselves around my waist.

     “Who the hell was that? It’s three o’clock in the morning.” asked my new found lover. I turned over in his grip and looked into his grey blue eyes.

     “No one Rick; let’s go back to bed. I’m bushed.” I responded. I laid my head on his chest and feel back into a deep sleep. My mind drifted into a sweet memory of how I had met Rick. It was the cookout Aunt Cecilia had planned. I was standing in the corner drinking a screwdriver when I spotted him. He was dressed to impress, that was for sure and I just couldn’t resist. I made the first move, my intensions were to just have him be a chew and screw but it turned out to be more. We ended up talking; it was the first real conversation I’d had with a man in years. I ended up falling in love right there and then. I had promised myself I would never fall for a man but that was obviously forgotten. Rick and I though didn’t start dating till about a week later; when I saw him again at my job.

     I was a bartender at the local bar in town. I had picked up a late shift to earn some extra cash so I would be able to pamper myself later. It was about 11:45 when the bar door opened; I didn’t even flinch.

     “Hello pretty lady.” I had heard a deep voice say. At first I had thought it was just another crusty old creep, but when I turned around to ask for his order I was shocked at whom I found sitting across from me; it was Rick. By the look he had on his face he already knew it was me. His pearly white teeth seemed to glint in the light and I melted as his grey eye’s looked into my blue ones. I took his order, gave him his beer and we talked for the rest of my shift, which ended at 1:30. Later that night he took me to his house and we made love till the wee hours of the morning. That day I had done something that I never did with any guy before; I stayed and the best part was he let me. From that day on we had gone out on dates and stuff but we mostly fucked. Hey once and slut always a slut, right? We had been going out for about three and half weeks and honestly I was committed to the relationship and Rick seemed dedicated as well.

     I was just in the middle of the sweetest dream when my phone went off again. I groaned in frustration and lifted myself up off the bed once more. I wanted to fling my phone across when I saw it was Aunt Cecilia again.

     “What Auntie? It’s quarter to four in the morning.” I snapped into the phone, but what I heard next totally caught me off guard.

     “I’m in the hospital with Evangeline.” She said with a broken voice.

     “What happened to her?” I asked not all concerned with the kid herself. If she told anyone about me beating her I’d go straight to jail.

     “I’ll tell you when you get here. Please hurry.” Then the line went dead.

     “Crap.” I whispered under my breath. I was going to jail, great that’s what I need right now. I jumped out of the bed and quickly dressed myself.

     “Where are you going?” asked Rick as he pushed himself up against the back board of the bed.

     “My daughter’s in the hospital.” I replied, trying to sound nervous. I hadn’t told Rick about me hating the kid and beating her to a pulp.

     “Damn, do you want me to go with you?” he asked. “Awe, he cares about me.” I thought to myself. For a split second I thought of saying yes but then I thought of what could happen if the cops would be there. They would arrest me in a heartbeat and Rick would know what a terrible person I actually was.

     “No; it’s ok. I’ll call you when I get to the hospital.” I said leaning in to peck him on the lips. We said goodbye and I made my way downstairs to the front door. As I opened the door I thought out loud;

     “If that little bitch gets me canned, I’ll defiantly kill her for sure.” And with that I slammed the door and walked over to my truck. This bitch already ruined my life; I’m not letting her do it again.       

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