Chapter 16 The Party: The Conslusion

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  Author's Note: Sorry it's short but you know what they say; it's about quality not quantity. I hope you enjoy and if you didn't see the video I posted in Chapter 15 go check it out. It's the song Eve and Beckett were dancing to; "You Make Me" by Avicii. Enjoy everyone and please comment!!!  :-)

    Nikki was currently making out with Beckett behind a bush. From time to time, when she was able to, she let a victorious smile spread across her face. See, she didn’t give away all her plans to Tyler. She had given Eve a very low dose of the Rohypnol while Beckett on the other hand got just enough to make him think she was Evangeline. Tyler didn’t notice the size difference of the pills. “Such an idiot.” Nikki thought to herself with a smile.

     “I love you Evangeline.” Beckett said while kissing down Nikki neck. She smiled while bringing his head closer to her.

     “I love you too.” She tried saying without her accent.

     About an hour later the thief and her new found lover emerged from behind the shrubbery. Nikki’s skin tight dress was hoisted up so that the cheek of her ass was almost visible and the buttons on Beckett’s shirt were not in the right holes. The two of them stumbled towards the house to finish their activities in a more comfortable environment when there was a flash of light. Everyone outside turned just in time to see the lights bursting and the bushes catching on fire.

     “Fire!” One girl screamed and suddenly there was a stampede of drunken teenagers trying to flee to safety. Many scrambled into the house to get to the front yard while others just ran into the forest. Confused, Beckett tried to grab for Evangeline but as he flailed his arms around to try and get her he found that there was no one by his side. He looked up and was able to make out a very blurry orangey-yellow light.

     “Evangeline!” he screamed. Beckett began getting pushed into the house by the waves of people heading in his direction. He tried to walk in the direction of the waves but he gave up, for his strength seemed weakened for some strange reason. When Beckett was in the front yard he was able to make out the sound of sirens and red-blue flashing lights.

     “We came here to break up a party not to deal with a fire!” he heard and older sounding man say. Beckett’s head had begun to spin and before he knew it, he fell unconscious onto the cold hard ground.

     A few yards back, Nikki watched in horror as the fire roared and crackled in the trees. She was about to turn and run when she bumped into something hard. She looked up to find Tyler standing in front of her, his eyes filled with fear.

     “What happened?” he asked looking from Nikki, to the flaming trees and then back to her.

     “The light bulbs busted an’ the sparks set the trees an’ all on fire. What did ya do with Eve?” she asked. For the first time in Nikki’s knowing Eve she was actually worried about her. She was the one who threw the party and she sure as hell didn’t need a dead, crispy body on her hands. Before Tyler could answer however, a tree nearby the house began to tilt and everyone watched in horror as the tree slowly fell onto the house.

     “Sheriff, we need ta get these kids outta here ASAP.” An officer nearby was talking to a man in a cowboy hat.

     “I know that Anna.” The Sheriff scratched his at his beard for a minute and then his eyes lit up with an idea. He hopped up onto the hood of his car and then the roof. “Anna, my bullhorn please.” He asked politely. The officer nodded her head and went to the trunk of the cop car. She emerged seconds later with a large black and tan bullhorn. She stretched up towards the sheriff and handed him the horn. He nodded in thanks and then turned on the device.

     “Listen up y’all. We need ever’one to go on and scat. Go on home and be safe.” The teens that had hung around began to disperse and before long the only ones left were those who passed out on the front lawn. Just as the sheriff jumped down from the hood of his car the fire department pulled in alongside the police cars.

     “Captain we need ya an’ your men to put this fire out now. There may be civilians trapped.” The sheriff said to a tall man with salt pepper hair.

     “We’ll take care of it Sir.” The fireman responded and then he beckoned his men into the fiery abyss. The Sheriff watched from the sidelines, nervous at how many families he’d have to call in the morning.

     “Hey we need medical assistance over here!” Officer Anna was in the tree line near the road. There, she stood over a young blonde girl who was stripped naked and bound with duct tape. With a closer look she noticed the girl had bruises all over her and blood caked on her thighs.

     “Dear Lord.” The officer whispered. She looked back to see if the assistance she asked for was coming. Anger raised inside her when she noticed that they were taking care of all the drunken fools on the lawn. Anna trudged up to her car and got a blanket out of the trunk.

     “Will one of you morons help me? We have a possible rape victim in the forest!” The officer, followed by medical personal, made her way back over to the girl. When there, she knelt down and wrapped the blanket around the poor girl.

     “Let’s take these off her.” said one of the paramedics. He took out a pocket knife and cut the tape that bound the girl’s wrists and ankles.

     “Don’t worry baby, were gonna help you.” said the officer. She pushed the girl’s hair out of her face and gasped at what she saw. The other paramedic noticed and questioned;

     “Do you know who she is?” The officer could only nod her head as the Sheriff walked over to them.

     “Anna what,” but he never got to finish his sentence as he gazed down upon the girl. “Dear Lord that’s Ms. Summerton’s great nice.” Suddenly the girl began to stir.

     “What’s her name?” The paramedic asked as he took out a flashlight and shined it in the girl’s eyes.

     “Evangeline, her names Evangeline Summerton.” responded the Sheriff.

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