Chapter 20 The Hunt Is On

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     I had dozed off while Beckett was singing to me and I was in the middle of a really nice dream when I heard an annoyingly loud knock. I stirred a bit but really didn’t feel like opening my eyes.

     “What happened to my baby?” I went cold at the sound of that wicked voice. My ears were wide open as I listened to heels click on the floor. They drew closer and I could feel my heartbeat quicken in pace. I tried to grab on to Beckett but only found myself holding a pillow. Oh no. I hope she doesn’t try anything. I thought to myself.

     “Could I have a moment alone with her?” The doctor or nurse must have agreed because I heard the sound of the door opening and closing and then silence. I slightly shook as I listened to a chair being dragged towards my bed. Oh please God don’t let her hurt me.

     “My, my, my. Look at my poor little angel; all broken.” In a matter of seconds Lisa had a hand wrapped around my neck. My eyes flew open and I saw the anger on her face but in her eyes I saw fear. I tried to take her hand off my neck but she ripped my hands away with her free one.

     “Please,” I tried to speak but it barely came out. I felt her hand tighten around my neck and I began to gasp for air.

     “Did you tell anyone about me?” she said now adding her second hand to my throat. I shook my head frantically and tried to dig my nails into her skin. “It’s not going to work you little bitch. Now I need you to listen, got it?” she asked. I tried to nod but I felt myself getting lightheaded.

     “You, my dear, are going to keep your mouth shut. If you say anything about me, I will not hesitate to kill you. I’m not going to jail without a good reason.” Then, right when I thought I was going to pass out she let go of my neck. I began to cough uncontrollably and got up to go into the bathroom. I staggered over to the door and once in, I turned to see Lisa coming towards me. In one swift movement I shut the door on her and locked it. Panicking, I looked for another way out and then just as I looked up I saw it; a window. “It not too high.” I thought. I reached up on my tippy toes and opened the window.

     There it was; freedom. I could just climb out that window and run away. I could run anywhere I wanted to. I could go back to New York, I could live with Emily and her parents in Rhode Island; they like me. I could run back to Aunt Cecilia’s and pack some cloths and get some money. I slowly reached up and hoisted myself up. I saw the parking lot, all the cars lined up perfectly. Gradually, I put my foot out of the window. I felt the cool grass between my toes and couldn’t help but smile. I could be happy, truly happy, and not just occasionally happy. I was about to completely step outside when I saw a couple walk by.

     I watched as they walked and noticed the woman holding a baby. She was a little thing, probably a few months old. She was wrapped in a pink blanket and the baby’s mother kept putting her hand against the infants head. As they reached the car the man opened the car door for his wife and she gingery placed the child in the car. When the wife shut the door she looked at her husband and then they proceeded to hug each other. Suddenly I noticed that the husband looked a little like Beckett, with his black hair. Beckett. I loved him so much. Looking at that couple I realized that I wanted that to be Beckett and I. I wanted a future with him; I honestly wanted to spend the rest of my life him. But would he want the same?

     “Where’s Evangeline?” It was Beckett. I looked out the window just in time to see the couple get in the car and drive off. I wouldn’t know if he wanted a future with me unless I stayed. I climbed back into the bathroom and shut the window. I walked to the door and took a deep breath before opening it. I saw Beckett standing with his arms crossed over his chest listening to Lisa. Who was telling some fake ass story about where I went.

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