Chapter 6 Falling in Love

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      I woke up this morning feeling like shit. After what Drew told me about Sarah, I didn’t know what to do with myself. I couldn’t tell my dad because he’d have me in jail in a heartbeat and I didn’t know anybody else to vent to, so I just thought I’d take a walk last night. And with my luck, there was Miss. Summerton and Evangeline walking up to my house. I was so rude to them and just, God I feel like such an ass!  And I just couldn’t get that image of Evangeline’s face out of my head. She just looked as pissed off as I felt.

     I slapped myself on the head for the hundredth time that morning, all those recent memories floating back to me. I went into the kitchen so I could get some ‘breakfast’. My dad and I had been eating Miss. Summerton’s lasagna for every meal since we got here. He’s been too lazy to go to town and go food shopping. When I walked into the kitchen, my dad was on the phone. As I was preparing my meal, I could hear a bit of his conversation.

     “Yeah just a little meeting but maybe after I could take you out to lunch.” As soon as I heard that, I took a little longer preparing my plate, just so I could listen a bit longer. “I really hope that isn’t Evangeline’s mom.” I thought to myself.

     “Well I’ll let you pick the place since you know your way around here.” He said leaning on the counter, smirking as he said it. I let out a breath I didn’t even know I was holding. Evangeline and her mom just moved here. “Good.” I thought to myself. Back home, I would almost never be able to go out with a girl because my father said they’re mom was a “customer”. It really pissed me off; I mean I only had trashy girlfriends because my dad defiantly wouldn’t have wanted their mothers to be “customers”.

     Suddenly my bad mood turned into a good mood. Maybe I still had a chance to get to know Evangeline, but then I remembered that I acted like a prick to her yesterday. The frown on my face formed into a smile for a few seconds and then right back to a frown.

     “Yeah. Ok, see you at noon then.” My dad’s voice snapped me out of my mind and I turned my attention back to my food. I scooped one more spoon of mashed potatoes onto my plate and sat down at the kitchen table.

     “Who was that?” I asked as nonchalantly as I could. My dad’s smile then disappeared and was replaced with a stern look.

     “That’s none of your damn business.” He shot me one more stern look and then walked out into the living room. For about ten minutes there was nothing but the sound of ranchers working and horses neighing. As soon as I got up to put my dish in the sink, my dad grabbed his keys and headed out the door.

     “Where are you running off to so soon?” I asked with a smirk on my face. He then stooped and turned to face the kitchen.

     “I have a job, unlike you and it requires me to be there.” He had his sunglasses on but I could tell his eyes were on fire. I just nodded my head in response. “I left some money on the coffee table. Go into town and buy some real food, would you?”

     Before I could protest, he had walked out of the house and slammed the door. “How the hell am I going to go into town and get things? I don’t have a car!” I thought to myself. By the time I stood up, walked to the door and opened it my dad was already making his way down the road.

     “Son of a bitch.” I muttered under my breath. I had no choice but to walk down there and back.


     I was almost halfway to town when I passed by Miss. Summerton’s house. I had taken the money my dad left me, got dressed and headed out the door. I knew I had to pass by Evangeline’s but I didn’t expect her to be outside cutting the front lawn. As soon as I saw her, I tried to keep my head down low and stayed to the other side of the road. I really didn’t want to talk to her, not that I didn’t like her or anything cause believe me I did,  I just didn’t think she’d be too thrilled with me after yesterday.

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