Chapter 14 The Party Part 1

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Author's Note: I am so so so so sorry that this took so long and that it's so short but with taking all honors classes in school I barley have any time to myself. So anyways I decide to break "The Party" into two parts; I just wanted to see what everyone thought of the first half. The second half is almost done but I'd love some feedback. Tell how you like the book so far and if you think of any ideas that might make the book better, anything that you might want to happen, tell me. Oh and from now on I will be dedicating my Chapters to the people who comment so I guess that's it and thanks for being patient. Love you guys :-)  


     It was Saturday October 25, 2013; the date of one of the largest catastrophic parties to ever hit Suttonville, Texas; the whole town had never seen such chaos. Sheriffs from three different counties had to be called in to break up the festivities. Trees were nearly burnt to the ground, a house was completely destroyed but one girl in particular was hurt physically and emotionally. Hold on; I almost forgot to tell you about the events leading up to this madness. Let’s slow down a bit and go back to the beginning; to 7:00 that very morning.

     Evangeline had woken up early that morning for she could not sleep. The idea of going to an actual party made her twist and turn all night. Not only was it the fact that she was going to her first real party that kept her up, it was the thought of Tyler being there. She hated him with a passion, although she did hate Lisa more. Evangeline was sitting down casually at the kitchen table, eating a bagel, when Lisa and all her glory stumbled gracefully down the stairs. Eve rolled her eyes and grinned at her mother; her hangovers always brought a smile to Eve’s face. Lisa turned towards her just in time to see Eve’s smile fading.

     “What are you smiling at you little shit?” she asked, her head pounding. Lisa hung onto the counter as she glared over at her daughter. She already felt like crap and she didn’t want to deal with her child’s crap. She watched as Eve slowly averted her gazed away from her and back to what she was eating but she still had a smile on her face. Lisa raised an eyebrow as an idea struck her. Aunt Cecilia wasn’t too fond of her “lessons” that she taught Eve so she hadn’t touched the kid in a while. She looked towards her aunt’s bedroom and thought to herself ‘She doesn’t have to know.’

     When Eve looked back up at Lisa, she was now approaching her with her signature smug grin. Eve just looked back down at her plate and continued to eat her breakfast; that’s when her phone decided to go off. She looked over to see it was a text message from Beckett, but before she had a chance to reach for it, Lisa’s hands had snatched up her phone. Evangeline watched in fear as Lisa unlocked her phone and scanned over the text message. When she was finished she looked back at Eve with a huge smile.

     “Well, well, well look who has a little boyfriend.” She said tauntingly. Eve just stared up at her showing no emotion at all; on the inside though she was terrified. “Hey Evangeline,” she started to read the text from Beckett in an antagonizing voice. “I just wanted to tell you that I will be picking you up at 5:00 for the party, my dad let me borrow the car. Love you babe, see you soon.” She finished off by puckering her lips, making a kissing sound. Then she peered over to phone to see Eve looking frightened.

     “Planning on going to an event with your boyfriend?” Lisa asked. A devilish grin spread across her face when Eve’s cheeks began to go red and her eyes darted all around the room. She then leaned against the kitchen table and grabbed a fist full of Eve’s hair. Eve’s eyes grew wide with fear as Lisa brought her face closer to hers.

     “Lisa please, not today.” Eve pleaded but Lisa just let out a sinister laugh, causing Eve to shake.

     “Listen here you son of a bitch,” Lisa whispered, pulling Eve’s hair harder. “I will do whatever I want to you as long as you live with me.”

     “Why are you so cruel to me?” Eve asked. It was the first time she had really asked the question out loud. Lisa’s face contorted into confusion and then quickly changed into anger.

     “Because you ruined my life.” She responded. Then Lisa, still holding Eve’s hair, practically dragged her out of the house towards the backyard, while clamping her other hand over Eve’s mouth. A single tear ran down Evangeline’s face as Lisa opened the back door to the yard. A few minutes after the door slammed shut a faint, shrill scream was heard.


     Beckett looked down at his phone. He had texted Evangeline in the wee hours of the morning and she hadn’t responded at all. It was four o’clock in the afternoon and he was beginning to worry. She had expressed to him earlier in the week that she was nervous about the upcoming event. Eve had told him that she had never been to a party before and she was afraid that she would go and be an outcast. Although he tried to comfort her and tell her it would be fine, he was beginning to think that his words weren’t so comforting after all.

     Just as Beckett had finished putting on his jeans, his cell phone vibrated from its place on the desk. Anxious, he ran over to the desk, tripping over his backpack on the way. When he finally reached the phone, he saw it was Evangeline and immediately unlocked the phone. The message he saw brought a smile to his face; Hi babe sorry I didn’t text you back I was busy. I’ll be ready at five, see you soon. :) . Beckett, with a smile on his face continued to get dressed and then proceeded to drive to Eve’s house.

     Beckett was currently parked outside Eve’s house and he had his arms crossed against his chest, silently whispering curse words under his breath. It was 5:20 and Evangeline was still not outside. Getting frustrated, he pulled out his phone and began to search for Eve’s number when he felt his car door open. He looked over to see his girlfriend get in the car and slam the door quiet forcefully.

     “Hey.” She said while keeping her eyes glued to the floor.

     “Hi babe.” Beckett responded. He leaned over in his seat to give her a peck on the cheek but as his lips made contact with her skin he felt her lean away from him. He pulled back, baffled, and that’s when he noticed that she was wearing a sweat shirt. “Why are you wearing a sweat shirt? It’s like seventy out.” He asked. She simply lean back in her chair and shrugged her shoulders.

     “I’m just a bit cold; that’s all.” She said. Beckett simply shrugged it off. “She’s probably just nervous.” He thought to himself, but it was much more than nervousness that had Eve wearing that sweat shirt. That sweat shirt kept her deepest, darkest secret hidden; those bruises, scratches and gashes were hidden beneath it. So as the two teenagers pulled away, one’s mind was on the fun that was ahead of them that night and the other’s was on how she could keep her dark secret hidden.

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