Chapter 18 Predictions and Pain

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     Aunt Cecilia

     When Sheriff Bronson called me at bout two in the mornin’, I had already known who it was regardin’.

     “Cecilia, Anna and I are in the hospital with Evangeline.” The words rang out in my poor old ears. With dread I asked;

     “What happened to her?” Although I knew it wasn’t good. I knew somethin’ bad was going to happen. I should have told her but,

     “You should get ta the hospital first. I don’t need ya ta be a nervous wreck drivin’ down here.” He responded.  

     “Ok Henry I’ll be down, let me jus’ go an’ call Lisa.” I responded in a shaky tone.

     “Ok Cecilia. Jus’ take ya time and don’t rush.” With that we said our goodbyes and I hung up. I instantly threw the phone on the couch and ran over ta my book shelve. “Where did I put that God damn thing?” I thought ta myself. Ever since Eve touched it I moved it but where did I,

     “There ya are ya little pain in the ass.” I said out loud when I grabbed the box out from behind my clay horse sculpture. As I looked at the box in my hand, my vision began ta tunnel and I had ta sit down. “Here we go again.” I thought before everything went black.

     Evangeline. Bed. Beckett. Chair. Pain. Confused. Loss. Scared.  Evangeline was sitting on a white bed. Beckett sat to the side of her in a white chair. She began to stir. Beckett sat up straighter and took her hand. Evangeline opened her eyes. There was an ear piercing scream. Panic. More Pain. Hate. Anger.

     It all stopped suddenly and I was back in my livin’ room. I was sittin’ on my sofa still holdin’ the box. I looked to my left and saw Marty waggin’ his tail and whimperin’.

     “Mama’s alright Marty,” I said pattin’ him on the head before standin’ up. “But Evangeline isn’t.” I quickly grabbed my cell phone and little sweater and made my way to the truck. I got in the truck and started the ignition. I looked over at the radio; 2:25 in the morning. I’ll call Lisa in a little bit. I pulled out of my driveway and began the painfully slow journey ta the hospital. The road was bumpy and long. I just stared blankly ahead as I drove; Evangeline’s shrill screams still loud in my mind.

     It seemed like an eternity before I pulled into the hospital’s parkin’ lot. It was a little thang, about 3/4 the size of Dallas Medical. There were only about ten nurses and four doctors. I parked the car and slowly made my way ta the double doors. With shaky hands, I opened the door and walked over ta the receptionist’s desk. She looked up an’ smiled a sweat smile.

     “May I help ya ma’am?” she asked politely.

     “Yes I’m here ta see Evangeline Summerton.” I said but before she could type in the name, Sheriff Bronson came strolling down the hall.

     “Ah, Cecilia, there ya are. Follow me dear I’ll show you ta her room.” I looked back at the receptionist and nodded a thanks, although she did nothin’, and followed Henry down the hall. I passed by rooms packed with teenagers. Some were passed out, others were on their phones listening ta a lecture by their parents and some were even pukin’ in bed pans. I cringed when a chunk of somethin’ came flying in my direction. Then I passed a room where there was a teenage boy yellin’ at a nurse.

     “I don’t care! I need to know where my girlfriend is; I need to make sure she’s ok!” He yelled. Upon a further inspection, I realized it was Beckett.

     “Beckett?” I said walkin’ inta the room. He looked at me with frustration and then calmed when he knew it was me.

     “Mrs. Summerton, what are you doing here?” he said confused. I walked towards him and put my arm on his shoulder.

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