Chapter 26 His Struggle

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     When Miss. Summerton dropped me off at home I walked slowly up to my front door. When I heard her pull away I fell to the ground and laid there on the soggy wood of my porch. I looked out into the dark abyss of night and sighed. I wanted to cry but my eyes were too dried out. I had promised my girlfriend to love her forever and always and, now, on the same day I broke up with her. That was the only thought running through my mind.

     After about a half hour of lying on the porch I decide to go in the house before I caught pneumonia. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my keys. As I stood up I looked at the sky and saw tons of dim stars scattered across the sky.

     “What else are you going to do to me?” I asked no one in particular. I didn’t believe in God but even if I did I would have stopped. If there was a God, why would he be doing this to Evangeline and I? I guess I deserved this but not my Evangeline. She’d been through so much already. I unlocked my front door and walked in. But before I could turn on the light I heard a low hum coming from the living room.

     “Why hello Beckett. I was wondering when you were going to arrive home.” I saw a small figure get up from the couch and make its way over to me. I turned towards the wall to flip on the switch but I didn’t get very far. I felt a strong pair of arms wrap around my neck and put me in a headlock.

     “Hey!” I yelled as I struggled against my captor.

     “Beckett just stop. You’re no match for Juan.” Then the lights turned on and I saw Sarah standing in front of me.

     “What? How the hell did you get into my house?” I asked, furious. As I looked at her I noticed that she looked extra trashy. She still had her ‘Ariel the Mermaid’ red hair but she had shaved off half of her head. She had on black combat boots, ripped black leggings, a plaid red and black skirt that almost showed her butt, and a ripped ‘The Beatles’ shirt on.

     “Well these little ol’ country houses don’t have much security on their windows.” She said pointing to an opened window. “Now Beckett we have a proposition for you,” she began.

     “I won’t do whatever you’re going to ask me to do.” I said. It was faint though, seeing as I had Juan the Steroids Addict choking me.

    “Oh, well that’s unfortunate. Miss. Evangeline will be very unpleased when we show up at her door step.” She said twirling her bright red hair in her hands.

    “Leave my girlfriend out of this.” I sneered.

     “She’s not your girlfriend anymore Beckett. You broke up with her ‘until you could find a way out of this mess’”. She said quoting me at the end.

     “How… how did you know I,” She cut me off before I could finish.

     “Let’s just say I’ve been watching you Beckett. I know all about all your ‘situation’ and Juan and I have a solution.” She said grinning. I suddenly stopped struggling and looked her in the eye. Was she trying to sell me some bullshit or was she really going to be able to get me and Evangeline out of this?

     “What’s the solution?” I asked curiously.

     “Well the solution involves you doing us a favor and in return we help you and Evangeline with your little problem.” Sarah said grimacing. I thought about it for a little bit. I might get killed. I might go to jail. I might have to disappear. But I’d risk I all for her, my Evangeline.

    “What do you want me to do?” I said glaring at her.


     Going back to school was just as stressful as staying home. My dad ended up leaving town for a few days and when he came back home he didn’t say a word to me. After my encounter with Sarah, I’d been racking my brain for ideas on how to get out of the plan. She had been going around California telling everyone I was a drug smuggler so when she told me the plan I just thought ‘Hey, why the hell not. People already think I’m doing it.’ 

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