Chapter 34 The Hunt Is On

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     It was 3:47 in the morning and I couldn’t sleep. I woke up from my little ‘nap’ about an hour ago and I hadn’t been able to go back to sleep. Aunt Cecilia was sleeping in the corner, snoring loudly. I had no clue where Rick was; he was gone when I woke up. I stared at the clock, watching the seconds hand twitch around. I watched as the hands made their way ever so slowly around the circle they were confined to. I know it sounds crazy but I felt bad for them. I knew what it was like to be controlled. They had no say in which direction they moved or how fast they ticked. Before I stood up to Lisa, I felt like that; like I couldn’t make my own decisions. She controlled me, for years. Then I finally did what some clocks do after working too hard; I stopped.

     “Beckett!” Aunt Cecilia jolted up from her chair with a terrified look on her face. I jumped and looked over at her. Her face was almost white and she was shaking head to toe.

     “Aunt Cecilia?” I said pulling the white sheet from my body and swinging my legs to the edge of the bed. She looked up at me but I saw something dangerous in her eyes. “Aunty, what’s wrong?” I repeated, trying to pull myself out of bed.

     “Don’t get up darlin’.” She said as she began to stand. She walked over to me, shakily. I stayed at the edge of the bed. Aunt Cecilia sat down next to me. We weren’t touching but I could feel the icy cold chill that radiated off of her skin. I looked at her worriedly.

     “Aunt Cecilia, what did you see? Is something going to happen to Beckett?” I asked as I clasped the necklace that I had put back in its rightful place. She turned to me and looked me in the eyes. She was terrified.

     “Listen ta me darlin’,” she said, grabbing me by the shoulders. “Beckett is goin’ ta call you in a minute.” She paused. She had gone from looking petrified to just looking empty.

     “Aunty, please tell me what you saw!” I said grabbing her shoulders.

     “I saw Beckett callin’ you an’ then… then I heard a crash an’ a ton a yellin’. Then I skipped ta seein’  palm trees an’ a white sandy beach. I saw Beckett with a scruffy lookin’ man, a girl with red hair, a few very built men, an’ then one man dressed in a black suit. Then, all of a sudden,” she looked down at her lap. Her eyes widened as if she had seen something horrifying.

     “Please aunty,” My voice was barely above a whisper.

     “I heard a gunshot an’ saw a pair of bloody hands.” It was silence that followed her statement. I sat there holding my necklace. I couldn’t cry, I couldn’t scream; I just sat there. I was numb. Then that silence was broken.

     Ring, ring, ring, ring. I looked over at the night stand.

     Ring, ring, ring. My screen had lit up and Beckett’s face popped up.

     Ring, ring. With a shaky hand, I reached for my phone.


     “Beckett?” I said. I said his name softly, due to the fact that there was a rock stuck in my throat.

     “Hi Evangeline.” He said excitedly.

     “Beckett where are you?” I asked, trying hard not to choke.

     “It’s a long story, baby, but trust me, when I get home I’ll explain everything?” he said with a choked sob. “God I miss you so much.”

     “Beckett listen to me, something is going to happen.” I said, beginning to cry myself.

     “What are you talking about?” he asked, sniffling a little.

     “I need to know where you are because something is going to happen to you.” I said through a sob. As I talked to him all I could think of was blood and gunshots.

     “What’s wrong Evangeline?” he sounded worried. He should have been.

     “Listen Beckett, I need to know where you are! Something bad is about to happen and I need to make sure it doesn’t happen! Please, tell me where you are!” I yelled into the phone.

     “I’m in,” but he didn’t get to finish. In the background, I heard a crash. It sounded like a door being kicked in.

     “Why is he on the phone Pedro?” I heard a girl’s voice. It was rough and she sounded as if she had just come back from jogging.

     “Listen Sarah, this poor boy needs to go home. He needs to see his girlfriend.” An older man’s voice came next.

     “I don’t care what he wants!” The girl named Sarah screamed. “He was not allowed to contact anyone!”

     “Sarah, I never wanted to be here! I was just doing this to get the money! I needed it to help Evangeline get away from her screwed up life!” Beckett screamed.

     “Evangeline this, Evangeline that; she’s all you ever talk about!” Sarah screamed. “Well you won’t be talking about her once I’m done with her. You broke our agreement Beckett. You just killed your girlfriend.”

     “You stay away from her!” Beckett shouted. I heard shuffling and then there came a very loud crash. It sounded like a mirror being shattered.

     “You’re dead Beckett and so is your precious Evangeline.” I was frozen in fear. So far the first part of my aunts vision. I was about to scream something out but I was caught off guard by a voice.

     “We are staying at El Mesón Flamenco in Cuba. It’s an inn on the outskirts of Havana. There will be a drug deal money exchange at Playas del Este, tomorrow afternoon at 2:00. It is cabin number 7 and my name is Pedro,” but the man didn’t finish. Heard what sounded like a slap and then more shuffling. There was some agonizing groans but there was no more yelling.

     As I listened, I pretended that this was all just a dream. I pretended that Beckett wasn’t in Cuba and I  sure as hell pretended that he wasn’t involved in a drug deal. As I sat there, holding my breath, I heard the phone being picked up.

     “You can come to Cuba, Evangeline Summerton, but let me tell you this; it doesn’t matter if you come or stay in the States, I will kill you.”

     After she spoke, the line went dead. I didn’t take the phone away from my ear; I let it slip out of my fingertips. I didn’t dare look at my aunt; I was afraid to look at her. Honestly, I didn’t want to look anywhere. Because if I did look, I’d realize that this nightmare was real.

     But, bravely, I picked my head up and stared out the window, into the darkness of night. Without looking at my aunt, I spoke.

     “I don’t care what you say; I am going to go get my boyfriend. With or without your help.” Then for the first time, I stood on my feet. Instead of feeling weak, though, I felt a surge of strength.

     “Well I’m sure as hell goin’ with ya, but first we need ta go have a talk with Sheriff Bronson.” I turned to look at my aunt. She was already looking at me. Once again, there were no words, just understanding. I didn’t know what I was walking into; all I knew was that I needed Beckett to get home safely. I would do anything to get him back, even if that meant dying.           

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