Chapter 19 A Broken Boy

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     This nurse was really starting to piss me off. She wouldn’t let me near my phone until she finished her “inspection”.

     “Listen lady I just need my phone for a minute it’s really important.” I said standing up. She gave me a dirty look, put her hand on my shoulder and forced me to sit back down on the bed. I let out a sigh of anger and frustration. I needed to know what happened to Evangeline not sit here and answers this woman’s ridiculous questions.

     “Do you suspect that you were drugged?” She asked right after she was handed a piece of paper by another nurse. She scanned the paper slowly and then looked over the rim of it, towards me.

     “Why in the hell would I be drugged? I mean I guess I was really drunk but that nap woke me up a bit. What the hell made you ask me that?” I asked. She looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

     “Your tox screen came back and there was alcohol found in your system, but not enough to cause the symptoms you described to me. I’ll have to speak to one of the doctors but if I’m not mistaken someone slipped you a date rape drug.” I looked at her with wide eyes. Was she serious? I toned her out as I reflected on my night. Evangeline and I got to the party, danced, met up with Tyler, he gave us drinks, and wait….

    “That son of a bitch.” I said under my breath. Then I came back to reality and got up. I went towards my phone but the damn nurse put herself in my way.

     “Mr. Springfield you need to have a seat. We need to take more tests to see what drug you were given.” I couldn’t take it anymore so I just exploded.

“I don’t care! I need to know where my girlfriend is; I need to make sure she’s ok!” I yelled at her. I thought I was going to wrap my hands around her neck and choke her when I heard my name. I turned around to see Mrs. Summerton standing in the door way. My frustration winded down and it turned into embarrassment.

     “Mrs. Summerton, what are you doing here?” I asked confused. She defiantly wasn’t here for me or maybe the hospital called my dad and he sent her. My mind raced with possibilities but stopped abruptly as Miss. Summerton said the worst sentence I’ve ever heard.

     “I’m here ta see Evangeline. You can come with me if ya want.” In that one sentence I felt my heart crack open. So many questions raced through my mind but only one was able to leave my lips.

     “Is she ok?” To me it was a stupid question but maybe not. Maybe Evangeline was fine. Maybe she was sitting in a hospital room having a stupid nurse asking her questions. Maybe,

     “I don’t know. The Sheriff called me and wouldn’t tell me what happened. Come on, dear; we can find out together.” The smile she gave me made all my maybe’s seem like bullshit. She was trying to give me a warm, it-will-be-ok smile but I could tell nothing would be ok. I tried to return that smile to her but I failed miserably. I followed her and a tall, gruff man, who I assumed was the Sheriff, to a small room at the end of the hall.

     As I stood in the door way, all I could see was my Evangeline. I did nothing as the nurse brushed pass me. I only broke out of my trance when the Sheriff asked me a question.

     “How do ya know this young lady?” He looked at me sternly and I tried to make my voice sound sturdy as I answered.

     “She’s my girlfriend, Sir.” Although I tried, I didn’t succeed in making my voice strong. My response came out sad and broken. I hoped no one noticed but I watched as the Sheriff’s face lightened up. He gestured his hand towards Miss. Summerton and I took that as a sign to move next to her. I moved but I didn’t take my eyes off my baby. I hated how numb she looked. I wanted to run over it shake her until she woke up. I wanted to hear her voice, see her smile and feel her kiss. But I was woken from my thoughts by the sound of a word. A word that I never wanted to be associated with Evangeline.

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