Chapter 33 Reopened Wounds and A Chance At Freedom

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     I stared up at the water-stained ceiling of my hotel room and sighed. It was currently 3:15 in the morning and I was covering my ears with a very uncomfortable pillow. I turned to my left to check on Pedro. He was passed out, snoring and drooling. I looked at the yellow sponge sticking out of his ears. I sat up, still clutching my pillow, and checked on Marco and Jose. They were sitting on the floor, leaning up against the wall. They seemed to be in a deep enough sleep. I looked back at Pedro. I needed those ear plugs.

     I felt really bad for anyone who was staying in the rooms around us. The two next door had started they’re ‘activities’ a few minutes after Pedro and his goons had plugged they’re ears. I was left to use my moth-hole covered pillow. All this started at around 11:30 and I haven’t closed my eyes once. I had been eyeing those earplugs all night and I was sure that now was the perfect chance to grab at least one.

     I sat up on the floor but if I was going to go through with my plan, I was going to need both of my hands. Regretfully, I put my pillow down and tried to block out the noises that were secreting from the neighboring room. When I was on my knees, I began to shuffle closer to the bed. As I did, Pedro snored as if he had something stuck up his nose. He was lying on his left side, so if I was careful enough I’d be able to take his right earplug. Slowly, I stretched my hand until it was hovering over his ear. Very carefully, I pinched the yellow foam in his ear and began to pull.

      “Get out of there Mr. Spider!” Pedro yelled and rolled over in my direction.

     My heart skipped a beat and I basically dropped to the floor. I didn’t care how big of a thud it was, I wasn’t in the mood to get beat by a sleepy Uncle Pedro. I laid on my stomach and listened for what I thought was coming. Maybe Macro and Jose would wake up and catch me awake or Pedro would wake up. I shivered at the thought, but after a few minutes I heard nothing. Although I did notice Sarah and Juan had gone silent.

     “There will be no spiders in my ears tonight.” It was a mumbled, slurred sentence that left Pedro’s mouth but I was calmed. He was only dreaming. I rolled off my stomach and onto my back. I found myself in the same position I was in since 11:30. But now that the earplugs weren’t on my mind anymore, I drifted to another thought; jail.

     I know I had been forced into this drug smuggling thing, but there was a lot I could have done to prevent me from being here. I could have gone to Sheriff Bronson; he could have helped me out. I could have called the Los Angeles Police Department and told them about her. I mean she probably had a shit load of warrants out on her. Besides, if I was in jail, what would happen to Evangeline?  

     I signed at the thought of her. I was a moron. The girl I love tried to kill herself and what do I do? I run off to Cuba to smuggle drugs. I groaned and slapped my forehead. I wasn’t there for her in her greatest time of need and if this thing goes wrong I won’t be there for anything in the future. I thought about all the things that could happen if I went to jail. Evangeline would continue to get beat by her mother and she might even try to kill herself again. I shook my head trying to get the scenario out of my head but another one popped into my mind.

     What if she met someone else? What if she married him; started a family with him; grew old with him? I threw my pillow across the room at the thought of her living her life without me in it. I watched as the lamp that was on the nightstand fell over.

     “What the…” All at once Macro, Jose, and Uncle Pedro jumped up. I jumped when Jose and Marco drew their guns.

     “Gringo, what is the matter with you?” Pedro was sitting at the edge of the bed and started to remove his earplugs. I just shook my head and shrugged, not taking my eyes off of the two rats in the corner. Pedro noticed this and looked back.

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