Chapter 27 A Pause In Time

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     I was driving as fast as I could to get to Evangeline’s house. I tried to think of all the positive possibilities for her message. Maybe she was talking about the necklace or maybe she was even running away. Any explanation would be better than the one on my mind. Had she really taken those pills?

     “God, please be ok Evangeline.” I said as I barreled down my street. I zoomed by my house and began to slow as I approached that little yellow house with the luscious green grass. I pulled in next to Evangeline’s truck and without putting my car in park jumped out and ran to the front door. When I got there I knock rapidly on the door. Then I waited. As I waited the I heard, well nothing; that’s what made the whole situation scarier.

     When the silence was too much to take I made a decision that would probably get me in trouble. I took a couple sets back and then with all my strength I kicked in the Summerton’s front door. The door swung open, only having one hinge keeping it on the wall. I was welcomed by an eerie silence. My footsteps echoed in my ears as I walked into the house. I looked in the living room. No Evangeline. I looked into the kitchen. No Evangeline. I was about to go into her room when I noticed something near the bathroom door. As I approached, I realized it was a little puddle of something. When I got on my knees and got a closer look I realized it was blood.

     “Evangeline!” I screamed as I shot up and tried to open the bathroom door. I turned it but it was locked. I took a couple steps, getting ready to kick down this door too, but then I thought, “What if she’s leaning on the door?” In frustration, I began to tug and jiggle the door handle. As I did this I couldn’t stop thinking of Evangeline. She had obviously cut herself but why would she do it. She knew I was still here for her even if we had stopped dating.

     My thoughts were interrupted by the cracking of the door and the clink of metal against tile. I looked down to see one half of the door knob in my hand. Before I opened the door I looked through the new hole in the door. That’s when I saw her.

     She seemed lifeless.  There was blood caked on her wrists and little drops were also on her shirt. She looked pale and her lips didn’t look as pink anymore. Panicking, I threw the door knob on the floor and cautiously opened the door. When I was sure I hadn’t snagged her on the door, I ran into the bathroom and sat next to her.

      “Evangeline, baby? Please wake up.” I said picking her up and cradling her in my arms. She was cold. As cold as ice. Then I looked at her wrists. The blood was still flowing but some of it had dried up in blackish-red clumps on her delicate skin. I looked around frantically for a towel. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted something shiny near an opened draw. When I turned towards it, I found a razor blade with dry blood on it. Above that, a draw full of little towels. I hurriedly grabbed a few and wrapped them around Evangeline’s wrists.

     Then I just sat there, with her in my arms. I was numb and for a few minutes I had no idea to do. I stared at her stone features. She looked like one of those angels you find in a graveyard. Peaceful yet tormented. Suddenly I realized that I should probably call an ambulance. I took out my phone and dialed 911.

     “911, what is your emergency?”

     “My girlfriend… she cu… cut herself and she’s bleeding a lot…. She won’t wake up.” I stuttered, a lone tear sliding down my face.

     “Ok son jus’ hol’ on. Tell me where ya two are and I’ll send an ambulance.” The man on the other end of the line said. He was calm, unlike me.  

     “39 Dunstan Avenue. Please… please hurry. She’s so cold.” I said running a finger across her pale cheek.

     “Ok I’m sendin’ a team out now. Jus’ stay on the line son, ok. She’s going to…” but the man just trailed off as I placed the phone on the tile. He could still be heard in the background but to me it was just an annoying buzz in my ear.

     “Baby, please don’t leave me. Please… I love you too much. Please come back to me.” I said as my tears hit her face. I pulled her closer to me as if she was going to disappear from my arms. Her cold head was resting on my collar bone and her bloody wrists were wrapped around the towels in my hand. As I sat there, a sweet memory came into my mind.

     It was the night after I had met Evangeline. I had just gotten back from Miss. Summerton’s house and I was lying in my room, listening to music. There was one song that came on that was perfect for that moment. I wasn’t really fond of Jason Derulo but my cousin had downloaded “What If”, by him, on a road trip we took.

     I thought about how that song had fit so perfectly with the way I felt that night. “Why did I have to meet you?” I thought to myself as I looked down at the love of my life. If I hadn’t met her none of this would have happened but you know what? I wouldn’t have had it any other way.

      “Picture me on one knee

With the perfect diamond ring

We just met, but if you say "yes"

We’d have our wedding on the beach

It could happen, raise three kids

And we grow old so happily

I know this may sound crazy

Cuz I don't know your name.”

     I couldn’t take it anymore. I broke down in sobs. At first they were short and soft but as they continued, I grew louder. I wanted to be able to make people feel my pain. I wanted it to rattle their bones and ring in their ears. No one deserves this. To watch the one they love die right in front of their eyes.

     I liked that song because it’s what I wanted to happen. I wanted to marry Evangeline. I wanted to start a family with her. I wanted to grow old with her. But now, well I guess I won’t be able to.

    The blade near the draws caught my attention again. As I turned to look at it, I felt Evangeline’s already slow shallow breaths fading away. As I stared at the blade I wondered, “Would it really be worth it?”

Author's Note: Ok well I don't like to see you guys suffer... actually, scratch that I love to see you guys suffer with anticacpation. Now this is only a part one because well I don't know just felt like keeping it suspenceful. Don't worry though part 2 will be put up later on tonight. Now the song on the side is "What If" by Jason Derulo. Unlike Beckett, I love his music and I thought this would be an awesome flashback song. Well enjoy my, like 10 readers, and don't forget to vote and comment. Also, one last thing, if you seem to actually like me as a person follow me on Instagram (JT_7289) or freind request me on Facebook (Jessica Tavares) Can't miss me, I have a very distinct face. Well love ya'll and enjoy. :-)

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