Chapter 7 A Good Day Ends Badly

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    Yesterday, when Beckett asked me to hang out I was absolutely excited. I mean not just because I got to spend time with him, which was great, but because I would be able to ride a horse! New York City doesn’t have ranches smack dab in the middle of the streets! The only time I rode a horse was when my cousin Elizabeth asked my mom and I to come visit her in Rhode Island. She lived in Exeter and owned a horse ranch. I was about seven at the time and to me it was the most exciting and happiest thing I’d ever done.

     Beckett had said to arrive at his house around eight, so here I was strolling down the road making my way to his house. As I neared the walkway, I couldn’t contain the joy I was feeling. I had this stupid big grin on my face and I kept picking at my fingernails. But before I could even get to his door, it swung open and this tall, skinny red head walked out. She looked like shit, with her hair all snarled up and the dress she had on seemed to have been torn. When she looked up at me I noticed that her eyes were bloodshot and her black eye makeup was smeared all over the place.

     “What the hell ya lookin’ at?” she asked me while trying to put on her sunglasses. I just shrugged my shoulders and continued to walk up to Beckett’s door. When I turned back to the woman, she had already stepped into a red Lamborghini and was about to pull out of the drive way. I just shrugged, telling myself it was none of my business.

     After I knocked on the door a few times it immediately opened with an angry looking Mr. Springfield. Before he even realized it was me he screamed right in my face.

     “I told you to get the hell out of my,” Before he could finish he looked down at me and calmed down. The redness in his face began to go away and he seemed to stand up straighter. “Oh Evangeline I hadn’t realized it was you. I apologize for that outburst.”

     “Oh it’s alright sir. I was actually here to see Beckett. Is he home?” I asked knowing what the answer would be.

     “Of course, he doesn’t go anywhere else.” That’s when he turned back into the house and yelled for Beckett. He must have been really looking forward for today because he was there at the front door in an instant, dressed and ready to go.

     “Hey.” He said flashing me one of his smiles. I tried not to blush this time but once again, I failed miserably.

     “Hey, are you ready?” he just nodded his head and took my hand leading me off the porch, to the back of his house. I guess he had already told his dad about what we were doing because Mr. Springfield just shut the front door without another word.

     We continued to walk for a couple of minutes until we came upon a black and white barn. It was a fair size and there were a ton of workers. When we were in the barn, I could hardly contain my excitement. There had to be at least ten horses in there, maybe more. When Beckett and I looked at each other, that’s when I noticed that we were holding hands. I nonchalantly slipped my hand out of his and began to put my hair in a ponytail. When I looked back up at him he had stopped smiling and was waving over one of the stable hands.

     “Wayne, are the horses ready?” He asked the very creepy man. The guy had to be at least six feet tall, pale white skin and his eyes almost seemed to be, black. He had on a pair of very dirty blue jeans and a white t-shirt with brown smudges all over the place. His hands were covered by a pair of thick tan gloves and he had on a torn up, old straw hat. But his face was the scariest. As he answered yes to Beckett’s question, his face remained emotionless. His lips formed a straight line on his face and he had a red scar intersecting with his eyebrow.

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