Chapter 11 Feelings Fly Free

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     I clicked the decline button on my cell phone for the third time that day. Evangeline had called me twice, now three times, and had sent a few texts. I did feel a bit guilty, not answering her but she deserves to feel the way I did when I tried to get in contact with her. I looked down at my cell as the voicemail sign popped up. I raised my eyebrow, unlocking my screen to listen to it. I put it on speaker and listened.

     “Hi Beckett… it’s me. I’m calling to tell you that… that I’m sorry. I wish I could explain to you what’s going on in my life but I think I would just scare you off.” She chuckled sadly, sounding as if she might just cry. “I’m sorry I yelled at you and I just wanted you to know that I didn’t mean what I said when I told you that you weren’t my friend. To be honest you’re actually the only friend I’ve ever had. I understand if you’re mad at me but I just wanted you to know I’m truly sorry. Um… well goodbye. ” I frowned sadly as her message ended, but then a little smile made its way onto my face. Yes, it was upsetting that something bad was happening in her life but I’m happy that she considers us friends. “I still have a chance.” I thought to myself as I went into my contacts to call her back, but right when I was about to, my bedroom door flung open and my dad stepped inside.

     “Beckett, are you busy today?” He asked. I opened my mouth to say yes but he just continued. “Well, it doesn’t matter because I need your help. I’m having company over today and I need you help me entertain.” He had a smug look on his face when he finished. For a moment I was confused. Every time he had “company” I was supposed to stay as far away from him as possible. He must have noticed my confusion because he rolled his eyes at me.

     “Mary Beth, my new client, has a nineteen year old daughter coming along with her and if I expect this investment to happen everyone needs to be happy. I was told by my boss that if the daughter doesn’t feel good about the investment, the mother takes her opinion into consideration and ninety nine percent of the time she dismisses it. So I need you to make her feel welcome.” He smirked a little at the last word.

     “I am NOT helping you seduce women.” I said giving him that what-the-helllook. What did I look like to him, his gung-ho partner in crime?

     “Beckett I’m not saying to take the girl to bed, just give her a little preview; make her think there’s more than just money with this venture.” He said looking at me sternly.

     “So… let me get this straight; you want me to have sex with her but just not right now.” I said getting frustrated. I didn’t have time for his stupid charades; I had to talk to Evangeline. We were interrupted by the doorbell. My dad turned his head towards the stairs.

     “Hold on a minute!” he yelled. Then he turned to me and gave me a sinister smile. “They’re here. Time for me to work my magic, and you,” he said pointing a finger at me. “Better play along or so help you God.” Then he walked out of the room, gesturing for me to follow him as he made his way to the stairs. Even though every fiber in my body was telling me to not go along with his little game, a tiny part of me didn’t want to face the consequences. My dad hadn’t hit me in the longest time, but my mother wasn’t here to stop him anymore.

     I got down stairs just in time to see my father opening the door. There stood a women with short hair dressed in a tight black dress with a white mid-waist jacket and black heels. She had a huge white beach hat on her head and a big black suit case in her hands. Next to her stood a girl with long black hair, her full attention on her cell phone.

     “Hello Mary Beth. Please come inside and have a seat.” My father offered her his hand. She smiled up at him and gladly took it. Then he gave me a death glare; his gaze on me then averting it towards the girl. I nodded a bit and reluctantly walked towards her.

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