Chapter 23 Surprises Part 2

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     October ended. November began; so did the struggle. The first week of November brought a wave of relief to Miss. Evangeline Summerton. Tyler Baker was sentenced to three years in prison with no parole. His original sentence was six years but he had willingly given up an unknown accomplice to the crime.

     “Local Suttonville teenager, Tyler Baker, has been sentenced to three years in jail for the rape of another local teen, Evangeline Summerton. Although Baker’s sentence was reduced from an original six years. We go to Susan Pickford, in the field, for more on the story. Susan?”

     “Thanks Alice. Local teen Tyler Baker was found guilty of rape, by Judge Wickford Brown on November third. But before Baker was locked away he gave up the name of an unknown accomplice to the crime. He revealed that seventeen year old Nikki Stocker had supplied him with the common date rape drug, rohypnol, which he used to drug his victim. He also admitted that she had drugged another teen, whose name was not revealed. Oh here’s Sheriff Bronson now.”

     “Sheriff, have you apprehend the newest suspect yet?”

     The news report was interrupted by a high pitched scream.

     “Get your sweaty hands off my arm! I already told ya I was innocent! I did nothing! Tyler did it all! Let me gooooo!” Nikki was escorted by two male police officers. She was kicking, screaming and crying. Her black eye makeup was running down her cheeks and kept trying to get loose. This terrible time in Evangeline’s life had ended, but this poor girl didn’t get a break for long. She had to testify against, both, Tyler and Nikki. That was how the press got a hold of her name and when she had to return to school the second week of November her hell just got worse.

     As she walked the halls, girls would come up to her and scream, ‘Help me, please! The hottest guy in the school is raping me,’ or ‘Why didn’t you just let him do it? I know I would have enjoyed it.’ Even the  men would harass her. ‘No playoffs for us now, thanks to you; you’re a slut. Eve couldn’t be left alone. She was harassed at school and beat at home. Seeing as she had recovered, her mother went right back to beating her. She wasn’t pregnant but even if she was she probably wouldn’t have been for long. The poor girl was beginning to crumple; she pushed everyone away, even Beckett.

     Their relationship had been going south. Every time Beckett would want to talk about what happen, Evangeline would just walk away or if they were at his house she would just go back home. Every time he tried to give her a hug or kiss her she would tense up and not return the affection. Beckett tried to be patient but it was hard, seeing as he had another problem on his hands. Sarah.

     She had been calling his phone every few days. She would leave a message every time he didn’t pick up and when he went to listen to them, they were all the same. “We’re coming.” He didn’t know who the ‘we’re’ was referring to but he didn’t need Sarah coming into his life again, especially not now.

     So the weeks went on. November 19, November 28, December 5, December 17, December 25. That’s when things took a turn for the worst. Miss. Cecilia Summerton was blind to the tension between the two teenagers. She was just trying to be nice by inviting Rick and his son over for Christmas. She knew that they’d be all by themselves. There was a secret, though. Even with her psychic abilities, Cecilia wasn’t aware of her niece’s involvement with the young Casanova. But this Christmas is where she would fully be aware.    

     This Christmas was going to be very special. For starters it was snowing outside; the first snowfall of in a couple years. It was very light but now the less beautiful. Evangeline was upstairs getting dressed, Lisa was setting the table, and Cecilia was finishing up the last of the cooking.

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