Chapter 9 A Heart is Broken

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     I hung up the phone after trying to call Evangeline for the fifth time. I threw the phone on the floor in frustration and collapsed on my bed. My face was hot from frustration and my hands were clenched into fists. I tried closing my eyes but every time I did, all I saw was Evangeline’s face. She had tears rolling down her cheeks and when I looked at her up close there seemed to be a handprint outlined on her face. I tried to help her, I wanted to know what happened, but she ran away. And the worst part, when I tried to touch her she seemed so scared; almost like she was afraid I was going to hurt her. After she ran away I asked everyone at the stable if they had seen anything but the all said no. I tried asking Wayne but he had apparently already gone home for the day.

     I stared up at my ceiling blankly, wondering what I should do. It was almost one o’clock in the morning so I couldn’t stop by her house and I couldn’t call Miss. Summerton’s house phone because I didn’t want to wake anyone up.

     Suddenly my phone vibrated from its spot on the floor. I jumped up quickly, hoping it was Evangeline, but when I looked at the screen I felt disappointment well up in my chest. The name Sarah appeared in big white letters accompanied by a picture of the devil. As much as I hated her, I needed to clear some things up. I slowly picked up my cell, answered it and said hello.

     “Hello my love. I heard you moved to Texas without telling me.” Her screechy, high pitched voice made me pull the phone away from my ear.

     “You’re not my girlfriend anymore so I didn’t have to tell you anything.” I replied putting the phone back up to my ear.

     “Beckett, just stop. I know we had a little fight but I still love you.” Sarah said. After she finished talking I heard her snap her gum, something that she knew I didn’t like.

     “A little fight?!” I couldn’t hold in my frustration anymore. “While my mother was dying, you chose to ignore the whole thing and me! Then, right after I broke up with you, you started hooking up with a drug dealer! How do you think I was supposed to handle that; was I just supposed to have a calm conversation with you?!”

     “First of all, your mother was rude to me and secondly, Juan treated me better than you ever did!” She screamed into the phone. Once again I had to pull the phone away.

     “The only reason you’re with him is because he gives you free drugs; plus, he actually wants to sleep with you!” I was fuming. “And what the hell are these rumors about me being one of Juan’s drug mules?”

     “Oh that little fact,” Her voice calmed down and I could almost hear the grin spread on her face. “well you know me; I’m always good at revenge.”

     “What the hell are you talking about, revenge? I’ve never done anything to you.” I said my face still red from anger and my voice scratchy from yelling.

     “You remember Drew, your supposed best friend? Well I overheard him at a party saying that you had a new girlfriend!” she yelled the last part, making my ear start ringing.

     “First of all, she’s not my girlfriend and second, I told Drew about her seconds before he told me about what you’re saying. So what is this so called ‘revenge’ on?” I said.

     “You broke my heart when you dumped me Beckett; I loved you and all you did was shatter my heart into a billion pieces.” She sounded hurt, as if she had been physically wounded. For a split second, I felt just a tiny bit of remorse, but then all the memories of what she did came flooding back to me.

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