Chapter 22 Surprises Part 1

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Aunt Cecilia

     I sat next ta Evangeline on the couch as we watched the five o’clock news. We were currently watchin’ a story on a lost horse when the screen began flashin’ red and white. I reached for the remote ta see if this was happenin’ to all the stations but right as my fingertips brushed across it, a woman popped up on the screen.

     “Breaking News: The main suspect in a Suttonville rape case has just been apprehended by police. Now we go to Susan Pickford in the field.” Then the screen split in two and another woman popped up on the left side of the screen.

     “Currently, I am awaiting the arrival of Suttonville’s Sheriff Bronson and the suspect. Here they are now.” The woman then began running towards a truck; Henry Bronson’s truck. As he got out, the media swarmed around him like sharks.

     “Sheriff, is it true your suspect is Tyler Baker?”

     “Who was the girl that was rapped?”

      “Was there any other…”But silence fell across the crowd as Tyler was taken outta the car by Henry. The Tyler everyone knew didn’t stand ‘fore them. This boy was bruised an’ there was blood comin’ outta his nose.

     “Sheriff Bronson, what happened to the boy?” one news reporter asked.

     “When we got ta the suspect’s hiddin’ spot he was already like this. Someone else gotta him ‘fore us.” Then with that, the sheriff led Tyler inta the police station. I quickly clicked the TV ‘fore they could say anythin’ else. I looked over at Evangeline but she already had her phone up ta her ear. I watched as she huffed in frustration.

     “Beckett’s not answering his phone.” She said as she redialed his phone number.

     “Eve maybe he’s busy honey. Let’s just,” But ‘fore I could finish someone knocked on my front door. I walked over an’ opened it up. I was greeted by a very beat up Beckett.

     “Auntie, who is,” Eve’s eyes narrowed an’ she glared at her boyfriend. Then she began to walk towards him. I thought for sure she was gonna give him another black eye, but at the last moment she wrapped her arms round his neck.

     “Don’t you dare do anything like that again; you understand me Beckett?” I watched as Beckett’s tense shoulders relaxed an’ he seemed to hug Eve a little tighter.

     “Yes dear.” He said. I chuckled a little an’ they both looked at me.

     “Don’t mind me, it’s jus’ you two sound like a little married couple. It’s cute.” After I said that I felt my vision begin to tunnel. “Oh crap.”

     “Aunt Cecilia, are you ok?” Evangeline asked, panicked, as she ran towards me.

     “Yes dear, I jus’ need,” But I couldn’t finish. I didn’t see Eve anymore, jus’ darkness. Then the images began ta flash in front of me. Snow, Christmas tree, diamond ring, Eve and Beckett’s face. They didn’t look happy though. Evangeline had dry tears on her face an’ Beckett looked furious. Then it stopped. When I opened my eyes I found myself lyin’ on the couch. Evangeline and Beckett were hunched over me like two vultures. Eyes wide, worry written all over their faces.

     “Miss. Summerton, are you alright?” Beckett asked. I jus’ nodded my head an’ looked over at Eve.

     “Darlin’ we need ta talk. Go get me that box on the book shelf.” I said as I tried ta sit myself up. Beckett helped me up while Evangeline got the box.

     “Auntie what just,” she began as she walked back towards me with the box.

     “Sit down dear. This is gonna be an ear full for ya.” I said. I was nervous but I needed ta tell her the truth especially after what jus’ happened. She did as I told her, Beckett takin’ a seat across from us; I took a breath.

     “Can you please explain what just happened?” Eve asked as she took my hand. I looked up inta her eyes. They were my eyes; the way they shined in the light.

     “When I was fourteen I began havin’ these… visions. I was able to see things ‘fore they happened. My mother was a psychic an’ I guess her gift got passed down ta me. But it’s not a gift at all; it’s a curse.” I said as I rubbed the top of the box. “The future lies in the hands of the beholder.” I read the inscription on the box.

     “When I was twenty-two I met Arthur Willingham. Oh how I loved him. Ya know, we were gonna get married an’ start a family. But one day the gov’ment came knockin’ and they drafted Arthur inta the Vietnam War. I was devastated. When he left I couldn’t sleep or eat right. Then one day I had one of my visions. I saw him dead in a field, executed along with twelve other men.” I shuddered, memberin’ the scene as if it was yesterday. I just sniffed my tears away, though, an’ continued.

     “Well a week later I got a letter sayin’ Arthur was killed in battle. I’ve never looked for another man after that. From that day on I’ve tried ta keep my visions ta myself, but sometimes I slip up an’ warn someone not ta do somethin’.” I looked over at Eve. She didn’t seem scared or confused, like I thought she would be. She actually seemed understandin’.

     “I guess Caroline Robertson was part of one of your visions.” She said. I nodded but was a little surprised she membered that.

     “Caroline was one of my good friends. One night when she came over I had one of my ‘episodes’,  like the one I had a few minutes ago. She was worried just like ya two but I was more worried than her. I saw her die in a car crash. We were scheduled ta have an ice storm in a few days. I warned her not ta drive on that day. She didn’t listen though. I tried ta warn her husband John, the man that threatened ya, but he just called me a crazy old bat. Well she died an’ for the past year John has blamed me for her death; said I coulda saved her.” I looked away for a minute.

     “So, your visions, are they always right?” Beckett asked. My stomach churned. I wanted ta say no. I wanted ta believe that what I just saw wouldn’t happen but,

     “Yes my dear, they are always correct.” I said still lookin’ at the floor.

     “The vision that you just had, what was it about?” Eve asked. I looked at her sorrowfully. My little angel; I didn’t want ta think she’d have ta suffer more.

     “I can’t tell anyone my visions, especially the people who are involved.” I slowly got up an’ walked over ta the book shelf. I placed my ancient box on top of some toppled over books.

     “Was it bad?” Beckett asked. I turned towards the two of ‘em. Beckett had one arm around Evangeline’s shoulders an’ held her hand in his other. The two of ‘em looked up with pleadin’ eyes. I wanted ta tell them everythin’, ta save them from the pain, but I can’t. It would ruin the whole cycle.

     “Jus’ promise me ya two will love each other through everythin’, ok?” There was a lot ahead for those two. I honestly didn’t think they’d be able ta bare it. I had a feelin’ Evangeline would do somethin’ ta herself, but only time could tell.   

Author's Note: Ok so I decided to cut surprises into two parts, mainy for a cliff hanger but if I wrote everthing I wanted to it would have been a really long chapter. Well enjoy and please comment. 

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