Chapter 15 The Party part 2

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Authors Note: Ok so I know I said that this would be two parts but I've just gotten way to into the book that I have no choice but to break up "The Party" into three parts. Sorry but I promise you it's good. As a reminder this is still the Narrator's pov and with that I hope you enjoy. :-)

     Nikki and Tyler arrived early to the old farm house to set up. Tyler had been in charge of getting the alcohol while Nikki was in charge of the decorations. The booze had already been placed all around the house and yard, leaving the decorations to be set up.

     Nikki looked down disappointed at her supplies. Her father, William Stocker, had been too busy to give her any money to borrow so she was forced to use her ten buck allowance money; all that got her was a five pack of toilet paper and some cheap yellow Christmas lights. She slowly picked up a roll of toilet paper and contemplated on how she might be able decorate with it. Slowly, she began to look around her but all she saw was trees and bushes. She was about to shriek and have a fit when Tyler came out of the house with a beer in his hand.

     “Cool, ya gonna throw those in them bushes over there? I’d like ta help; you know how I am with vandalism.” Nikki’s gritted teeth turned into a full blown smile when she finally realized what she was going to do.

     “Yeah I was jus’ bout to start thrown them. Ya wanna help?” she asked. “You can do the toilet paper and I will go on and do the lights.” Tyler nodded in agreement, put down his beer and began throwing toilet paper all over the tree branches and bushes while Nikki wrapped lights around the trunk of the trees. When they were finished it was starting to get dark. With one final touch, the lights were turned on and the yard had a very beautiful yellow glow to it.   

     “Oh yes, this is jus’ how I imagined it ta be.” Nikki said while jumping up and down. Tyler on the other hand just shrugged his shoulders and picked up his beer.

     “Yeah yeah it’s nice an all but can we get ta talkin’ bout the plan.” He said will taking a seat in a nearby chair. Nikki rolled her eyes but proceeded to remind him of their so called ‘plan’.

     “I told ya already, Imma go and get Beckett drugged up so I can lure him ‘way from Cinderella. Then you an all ya glory can go and get her, k?” She finished with her hand on her hip and stared down at Tyler. He was barley paying attention though, as his mind had drifted off into fantasy land. He was imagining taking Eve up to a bedroom in the old farm house, stripping her down to nothing and making love to her till sunrise.

     “Hello, Mr. Dirty Dreamer, get your head outta the clouds people are comin’.” He was brought out of his fantasies by Nikki’s screechy voice. As he watched her walk off to go greet the party goers, Tyler slouched back in the chair and couldn’t help but continue to day dream; fore tonight his dreams would become reality or so he thought.

     The party was well under way by the time Eva and Beckett arrived. As they pulled up onto the grass there were oohs and ahhs and even dirty looks made towards the beautiful black sports car. As Beckett stepped out all the ladies eyed him as though he was a piece of meat but as Evangeline stepped out they rudely snickered and laughed. Eve, already in a fragile state, just sighed and took Beckett’s hand while he led her into the house. The house was very country and very old. The floor boards were made out of a dark wood and the walls were painted a cherry red. The walls were lined with pictures of Texas wildlife and on one wall there was even a mounted coyote head. Eve shivered at the creatures head, feeling that at any moment the head would jump off the wall and bite her but she was brought back to reality by the sound of one of her favorite songs. ‘You Make Me’ by Avicii was playing in the background and she couldn’t help but relax a little.

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