Chapter 12 Happily Ever After?

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     As I walked down the hall, I couldn’t help but to be put into a trance. It was the end of the day and I was just exhausted. I began to replay the last two months in my mind. I still couldn’t believe that it’d been two whole months since Beckett and I shared our first kiss. From there, we got to know each other on a deeper level. He opened up to me about his relationship with his father and how he hated him. I told him about me being an outcast at school and getting bullied, but one thing I didn’t tell him was that my mother abused me; that was something that I had to keep a secret.

     Honestly though, I never thought that I could be this happy in a thousand years. Even though Beckett and I started our relationship really early, practically being strangers and all, it was going well. We hadn’t had that many fights and when we did it was usually about something stupid. He and I were practically inseparable, well until it came to school.

     We had started about three weeks ago and it was not what either of us expected. The high school was about three miles away so it was awful to drive here but when we got here, the building was seemed so big; now it just seemed so empty.

     Apparently there were kids from three different towns, including ours. I personally thought that since we were in the country the kids would be nice and hospitable like in the movies; boy, was I wrong. From the moment I first step foot in the halls, I would get dirty looks from the girls and the guys whistled at me like I was some type of hound. I honestly wouldn’t have cared if Beckett was by my side but he unfortunately wasn’t. The only time we saw each other was in the morning before our first period and at lunch.

     I had hoped just having him around would make people leave me alone but without him by my side I was just as vulnerable as I was in New York. But while I was having a rough time, Beckett seemed to be having the time of his life. Girls wanted to be with him and guys wanted to be him. He easily worked his way up the social latter and became the one of the popular kids. I mean, I didn’t even get to eat lunch with him because everyone was always crowded around him!

     But at the end of every day, when we met by my truck, he’d wrap his arms around me while looking exhausted and whispered “I love you” in my ear. Then he would kiss me deeply right there in the middle of the parking lot, not caring if anyone saw. But this is what made people hate me more and what lead to me having enemies.

     I shook out of my trance as I approached my locker. I had just gotten out of my sixth period class, English, and was walking to my locker to put away some books I didn’t need. It was Friday and I only had one hour to go before Beckett and I started our “movie date weekend.”

     I smiled at the thought of it but was soon brought back to reality by the approaching sound of heels clicking on the title floor. I looked over to see none other than Nikki Hendrickson, one of the popular girls and one of the most persistent girls I’ve ever met. She’s been trying to get Beckett to go out with her since he walked through the door.

     She was a tall slender brunette with brown eyes and the meanest temper I’ve ever seen. As she walked towards me, I couldn’t help noticing how the group of football jocks, huddled in the corner, were hooting and hollering at her. She had a very low cut, skin tight white shirt and a pink and black plaid short skirt along with a pair of six inch high heels. She put on one of her wicked smirks and came to a halt beside me, folding her arms across her chest and leaning against the lockers. I tried to ignore her but when she slammed my locker shut, almost crushing my fingers, I had to turn and face her.

     “What do you want now Nikki?” I asked trying to stay calm; I was hoping she didn’t see me shaking like a leaf.

     “Well, I was just mindin’ my own business when I overheard someone sayin’ that you and Beckett have broken up.” She said popping the “p”.

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