Chapter 28 She's Safe But Is He?

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      The ambulance arrived about five minutes later. I watched as they lift Evangeline from my arms and put her on a stretcher. As they loaded her onto the ambulance I asked if I could come along. They told me there was no room but I could follow them to the hospital. Without another word, I hopped into my car and followed them to the hospital.

     I sat in an unbearable silence. My eyes were on the road but my mind was somewhere else. Part of me was asking why she did it and the other part was wondering if this was all my fault. Had I caused her to go over the edge?

     I finally pulled into the hospital parking lot. I parked and ran over to the ambulance. They were taking Evangeline out by the time I got there.

     “Her vital signs have dropped significantly and her heart stopped a few seconds before we took her out.”

     “Ok people that’s go.” A doctor and a few nurses had come out to bring Evangeline into the hospital. I followed close behind but as I walked I heard nothing. “Her heart stopped?” I mustn’t have been paying attention to where we were going because when we reached a set of double doors, a male nurse pulled me back.

     “But… I need to make sure she’s ok.” I said as I fought against the man.

     “They’ll take good care of her son, they’re going to try their best to help her, ok? Now come take a seat over here.” He said guiding me over to a row of chairs. I sat down shakily and looked up at him.

     “Will you let me know if she makes it?” I said, not caring if I sounded as broken as I felt. He looked at me with a slight hint of sadness in his eyes. Without answering he sat down next to me and we stayed silent for a few minutes.

     “I didn’t know she was going to do that to herself.” I said, more to myself then to the man.

     “Is she your girlfriend?” he asked.

     “Yeah. Well we had to break up for… a reason.” I said turning towards him. He raised an eyebrow and I snorted. “If I told you the whole story, I doubt you’d believe me.”

     “Try me kid. I’ve heard a lot of crazy stories in this hospital.” He said with a slight grin. I grinned back. “Some cares.” Then I began to tell him everything. From the time I met her, the time I ran after her and we shared our first kiss. The day I realized I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her and Christmas Day, when all went to hell. I also told him about the rape and how people at school were cruel. By the end if my story he just sat there stunned. Defeated, I turned away and covered my face with my hands. If I hadn’t lived it, I wouldn’t have believed in the story myself.

     “Well you two are some pretty strong kids.” He said placing a hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him and he was giving me a warm smile. I wasn’t able to return it though.

     “Well the whole reason I broke up with her was so I could find a way to get out of this situation. I just didn’t think,” I broke off before I could start crying. I’d cry by myself, I’d cry in front of Evangeline but I wasn’t about to cry in front of a complete stranger.

     “You know I have a really good feeling you two are going to make it out of this.” He said standing up. “I have to get back to work but if you need me I’ll be over at the reception desk. Oh I didn’t catch your name.”

     “Beckett Springfield.”

     “Gabriel Angel. Yeah I know really weird.”

     “Not at all.” I said getting up to shake his hand. Then Gabriel walked away towards the receptionist desk. That’s when the significance of his name hit me. The angel Gabriel, from the Catholic religion. I looked up to see if Gabriel was around but he seemed to have disappeared.

     “Are you the young boy that came in with the girl?” I jumped as I turned to see a man standing in front of me.”

     “Yes.” I said not knowing if I was going to get good or bad news. I stood without thinking and braced myself for what might come.

      “Well we were able to revive her but she was dead for about five minutes. She’s being stabilized now but we were wondering if you could give us any information.” He finished off. I was numb. “Dead for five minutes? She actually died.”

     “Um yeah.” I said taking a seat. I then went to tell the doctor my name, Evangeline’s name, and who he could call to inform them of the news. I only mentioned Aunt Cecilia. I didn’t want my jackass father or Evangeline’s dead beat mother down here. Not now; I might I have to kill one of them.

     “Thank you Mr. Springfield.” The doctor said as he shook my hand.

     “Can I see her?” I asked as the man stood up. He looked down at me. He seemed to be caught between letting me see her and making me sit in this waiting room for hours.

     “I can’t let you go in the room yet but you can wait by the door.” Then he gestured me to follow him. I walked down the oh too familiar corridors of the hospital. As we walked, I listened to people scream, cough, and chatter. I was even able to hear a baby cry in the distance.

     “Well here she is, room 12. Just stay outside, ok son?” I just simply nodded my head as I looked at Evangeline through the glass. She was hooked up to all sorts of wires and I could see the blood stained on to the white gauze wrapped around her wrists. To stop myself from opening the door, I put my hands into my jean pockets. That’s when I felt something cool hit my knuckles. I wrapped my hands around it and pulled out Evangeline’s necklace. I almost forgot. I looked from the necklace to Evangeline.

     “Beckett.” I turned to my left; no one. As soon as I turned to my right though, I was face to face with Sarah and not far from her was Juan the Steroid Addict. “It’s time. Come with us.”

     “How the hell did you find me?” I asked, a little confused and pissed.

     “Well all we had to do was follow some flashing lights and boom here we are.” She said looking back at her “friend”.

     “Ok fine, just give me one minute.” I said looking back at Evangeline.

     “Make it a sweet goodbye lover boy. It might be the last time you see her.” Sarah said, as she walked off with a sinister giggle. I just sighed as I stared into the room. With shaky knuckles, I knocked softly on the glass so the nurse in Evangeline’s room noticed me. She looked annoyed as she walked towards the door.

     “What do you want? No visitors allowed.” She said in a bitter tone. I didn’t care though, I had no time to sit here and fight with her.

     “Can you give my girlfriend this?” I said handing her the locket. “Tell her I love her and that I’m doing this for her.” The nurse looked confused at the last part but I had no time to explain. I turned away and walked towards the hospital exit. This drug mission Sarah had me on was dangerous and I didn’t think I was going to make it out alive. I had to try though, for Evangeline. I wanted to be able to take Evangeline away from this life.  But it’s going to be really hard to smuggle drugs out of Cuba. I mean you can’t even take home a cigar never mind 80 kilos of coke.

Author's Note: She's ok guys. I knew if I killed Evangeline off someone was going to come and kill me. Well on another not: drugs! Exciting. Drugs mean violence and that means action scenes. Wasn't what you guys were expecting huh? Well I told you at the begining of the book Sarah was bad news and how about Streiod Junkie over there? He personally scares me when I write about him. Also what do you guys think about Gabriel. Pretty fish guy if you ask me. Well Enjoy people. In the chapters after Chapter 29 we will be kicking things in Cuba. Should be fun. Don't forget to vote and comment. Love ya guys. :-) 

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