Chapter 36 Going To Cuba

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     It’s freezing in here. They need to lower the air conditioner. The floor’s filthy too. God, they need to clean up in here. I tried to think of anything but Beckett. My eyes kept darting from the floor to the A.C on the ceiling.

     “This is taking forever.” I groaned as I stretched out in my chair. It had been almost an hour since we located Beckett and Sheriff Bronson was still on the phone. I was tired and I was getting irritated. From the corner of my eye, I saw Officer Stevens glance my way. He was making matters worse.

     He seemed like a nice guy but he just wouldn’t leave me alone. He would come over ever ten minutes and ask “Miss. Evangeline, do ya need anythin’?” Each time, I smiled and politely told him that I was fine. Now was his fifth time getting up and I just couldn’t take it anymore.

     “Do ya need anyth,”

     “No, I don’t need anything! I just want to get out of here so I can find Beckett!” I screamed at him. I didn’t mean to scream at him that loud but I couldn’t help myself. His eyes went wide but he stayed where he was. I would have thought that he would have gotten the message and walked away. Instead, he put a neutral expression on his face and took a seat next to me. There was a few minutes of awkward silence before Officer Stevens finally spoke.

     “I can tell that ya really care bout this Beckett kid. Why don’t ya tell me bout him?” I looked at him as if he had five eyes. I was in this rear bitchy mood, but yet this dude continued to pry. But he didn’t seem fazed by anything. He had a smile on his face and his eyes were focused on me.

     “He’s my boyfriend, well was, I guess. I don’t know, it’s such a complicated story.” I said huffing and slouching in my seat. I guess the guy did need to know who he was looking for. But what were Beckett and I? I still considered him my boyfriend, but he said that we “needed a break”. Does that count as a break-up?

     “Well the sheriff seems ta be pretty busy,” He leaned over to peek into Sheriff Bronson’s office window. He was still on the phone, with Aunt Cecilia by his side. “And I could use a break from filin’ papers. Plus, I’m in the mood for a story.”

     “If I told you the whole story, I doubt you’d believe me.” I leaned forward in my chair and clasped my hands together.

     “Trust me, I haven’t been a cop long but I’ve heard some crazy stories.” He said with a smile on his face. You haven’t heard one like mine, I thought. But when I looked over at Officer Stevens, there was something about him that made me want to tell him my story. I think it was the fact that there was actually someone out there that was interested in my story.

     With a small smile, I began telling him my life’s story. I told him about my mother and how horrible she was. I told him about Beckett and all the shit we’d been through. About our parents wanting to get married, which lead to the reason why we had to break up. I left out my rape; he didn’t need to know that.

     When I was finished, I leaned back in my chair, remembering. Everything. Most of it was painful, well except for the memories with Beckett and Aunt Cecilia. They seemed to be the only people that actually truly loved me.

     “Wow, well that is pretty crazy. How’d ya do it?” Officer Stevens asked. I looked at him puzzled. How did I do it? I didn’t know. I didn’t think that I survived it. If Beckett hadn’t found me, I’d be dead. I wouldn’t be a survivor, I’d be a loser.

     “Well I didn’t survive, I just held everything off. Then I just couldn’t take it anymore. Didn’t Sheriff Bronson tell you what I did?” I said pulling up my sleeve. He looked at my wrist for a minute and then looked at me.

     “Well if ya didn’t survive, how are you here?”

     I didn’t know how to respond. I physically survived but I felt as if I hadn’t survived emotionally.

     “Do think you’re the only one?” Officer Stevens asked.

     “No.” I responded quickly. I knew for a fact that I wasn’t the only kid who wanted and attempted to kill themselves. But I knew that I was the only one to be living the life I was living.

     “There are a lot of people like you,” I watched as Steven’s rolled up his sleeve. Doing so revealed one long scar going up his forearm. “They just do it for different reasons.”

     I was shocked. Speechless. But before I could say anything, Sheriff Bronson came rushing out of his office. Stevens quickly rolled up his sleeve and stood to greet the Sheriff.

     “I got a hold a my friend with the FBI. He said that he can send some men ta Cuba in the mornin’.”

     “That’s it?” I asked, frustrated.

     “What more do you want Eve? The FBI is going to get Beckett an’ bring him home.” Aunt Cecilia said, walking up behind Sheriff Bronson.

     “I want to be there to bring him home.” I said standing up. “And I need to give the bitch Sarah a piece of my mind.”

     “Evangeline, I’m sorry but there’s no way ya going ta Cuba. They hate the U.S so much that they wouldn’t mind lettin’ the drug cartels kill an innocent American girl.” Officer Bronson said. I was pissed and I was done hiding my frustration from everyone.

Author's Note: Sorry about not having an updating schedule set. I'm not gonna have much time this summer, but hopfully I'll be able to finish the book by Septemeber and I'm hoping to enter it into the Watty Awards. I don't have high hopes though. I sent my book "I Will Never Forget Him" and lost but it's all good. Hopfully this book will have a better chance. Sorry again guys. Love you all. Enjoy.

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