Chapter 21 Everything Comes With a Price

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     It was Monday and I was currently sitting in World History. It was my last period class and I had fifteen minutes left. I hadn’t been able to pay attention at all. Evangeline was staying home this week from school and today was the perfect day to play out my plan.

     “Mr. Smithfield, would you like to explain to the class one of the main causes of the French Revolution.” I looked up at Mr. Burns. I had no clue what the hell he was talking about. I hadn't been paying attention all day.

    "I don't know Mr. Burns." I responded.

     "Well then maybe you'll know if you stay for detention today?" I groaned while everyone else  snickered.

     "Yes sir." I replied. I leaned back in my chair and watched the clock. Thirteen more minutes. For the rest of class Mr. Burns left me alone and all the other kids kept passing me notes and throwing paper at my head. When the bell rang I just slumped further into my seat. I kept my head down and scribbled lines on my binder.

     “Mr. Springfield, what are you still doin’ here?” I looked up at Mr. Burns, confused.

     “You told me I had to stay for detention.” I said sitting up in my seat. He looked at me with a soft expression, something I’d never seen cross his face before.

     “Beckett,” he began. He walked over to me and pulled a seat next to my desk. “I know you’ve had a lot on your mind lately. I don’t blame you for not being down to earth. I just said for you to stay for detention because I don’t need these punks thinking I’m an old softy.” He finished off with a wide, wrinkly grin. I returned it and then started to pack up my things. The plan I thought was ruined was now back on track.


     I was currently staked out under the bleachers next to the football field. The football team had been having extra practices since their captain ‘went missing’; they were out on the field almost every day. I watched as the coach was finishing up a we-can-do-better speech. The team then dispersed and I locked on my target as he walked towards the bleachers.

     Andy was Tyler’s best friend and if I wanted answers, I knew I would get them from him. Andy always had a cigarette under the bleachers before he went into the locker room. I watched as he picked up his bag and made his way around the bleachers and under. In the blink of an eye I came out from the shadows, grabbed him by the neck and pinned him up against the side of the bleacher.

       “What the hell?” he tried to say but my hand was wrapped tightly around his neck.

     “Where’s Tyler?” I asked as my grip tightened.

     “I… don’t… know.”

     “Don’t fucking lie to me. Where is he!?” I yelled again. All of a sudden I felt one of my elbows bend and in a heartbeat Andy overpowered me.

     “So what are you up to Springfield?” he asked with a deadly grin. His hands now gripped my neck. I felt my airway closing and it became harder to breath. “I think it’s sweet that you’re getting revenge for your girl, I really do. But I hate to tell you,” Andy leaned down so his breath was on my ear. “Tyler’s gone for good.” Then he stood up, grabbed his bag, and walked away from me. With one final grin, he disappeared into the locker room. Defeated, I stood up and began to dust myself off.

     “You ok Beckett?” I looked up and was startled to see Henry standing a few feet away from me. He was a freshman and a true outcast. He was cool to me though, nice kid.

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