Chapter 35 Enlisting Help

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Sherriff Bronson

          It was another one of my late night shifts. I had ta catch up on some overdue paper work. I was jus’ bout done when I heard the door ta the office open.

     “Howdy, what can I do for y’all?” I hadn’t realized that Officer Stevens was still in the office. From my chair, I leaned over ta take a peek outside the door. When I looked, I saw Stevens sittin’ at his desk and Miss. Summerton and Evangeline in the lobby.

     “Evangeline!” I said nearly jumpin’ outta my seat. They both looked at me as if there was nothin’ wrong with this situation.

     “Sheriff, we need to speak with you right away.” Evangeline said.

     “Darn right ya do. Cecilia, what is that child doin’ outta the hospital?” I asked. When I asked the nurse how long she’d be stayin’, she told me bout four days. It had only been two!

     “It’s about Beckett.”

     “Let’s take this in ta my office.”


     “What?” I questioned as Evangeline finished her story. “You’re tellin’ me that Beckett is involved in some drug smugglin’ operation?”

     “I know it’s hard ta believe Henry but I heard the whole conversation myself.” Cecilia said. Honestly, this whole situation was hard ta believe. Beckett involved with drugs? He was such a good kid and….

     “Cecilia, I’d love ta believe ya but,” I began but was cut off.

     “Can’t you just listen to my phone call or something. Isn’t that what the government does; listen to everyone’s phone calls?” Eve seemed tired an’ frustrated. I looked at her with sympathy.

     “Even if they did Eve, I wouldn’t be able ta get ahold a that information.” I said. I cracked my knuckles an’ sagged back in my chair. I was defeated an’ tired. It had been a long day. There was a few minutes a silence. Then Evangeline broke it.

     “Wait, can you track cellphones?” She asked, with a new sparkle in her eye. I raised my eyebrow.

     “As a matter a fact, I think we can. Stevens!” I yelled inta the lobby. Like a little puppy dog, Stevens came boundin’ in my office, looking as if I was gonna send him out on a mission.

     “Yes sir, Sheriff.” He said with a grin from ear ta ear. He was a rookie, jus’ started a week ago.

     “Do ya remember how ta use the MTD I showed ya yesterday?”

     “Pardon me Sheriff?” he said looking dumfounded.

     “The Mobile Tracking Device System?”

     “Oh, now I remember. I’ll get right on it.” He ran outta the room without even gettin’ the number ta track. I sighed.

     “Evangeline, can ya be a doll an’ go give Officer Stevens Beckett’s number?” She nodded an’ stepped outta the office to find Stevens. I turned towards Cecilia and sighed.

     “I had another vision Henry.” Cecilia blurted out. I sat up in my seat when I heard her. I’d know bout Cecilia’s visions for a while an’ if it’s one thing I learned over the years, it’s that her visions are almost always bad.

     “Tell me what ya saw.” I said leanin’ forward. She told me bout the phone call an’ the beach. The men and the gunshots.

     “I do have ta say, I never question your visions, but I don’t believe that the FBI will take it as evidence. A psychic vision an’ a unrecorded phone call aren’t enough for ‘em ta do somethin’.” Jus’ as I was bout ta add more ta my speech, Evangeline rushed in.

     “Sheriff, you have to come look at this.” Then, without waitin’ for Cecilia or me, she rushed outta the office. I gave Cecilia a side glance an’ we both got up ta go see Stevens. I lead the way, takin’ a left an’ then another which brought me ta a small office. There, Stevens was sittin’ in front of a small computer screen; Evangeline hangin’ on his shoulder. She looked overjoyed while he looked baffled. I walked over ta the screen an’ bent down ta get a better view. I couldn’t believe my eyes.

     “See, I told you Sheriff.” was all Evangeline said. I looked closer at the screen. There was a map of Cuba spread across the screen an’ a flashin’ box that read the number 972-274-1908. It’s exact location; El Mesón Flamenco, Indepencia Oeste, Guanabacoa, Cuba. Withoutta word, I stood up straight an’ walked outta the room.

     “Where ya goin’ Sheriff?” Stevens asked.

     “I need ta call in a favor with an old friend.” I said. I wasn’t lookin’ forward ta callin’ my “friend” but he was the only one that could help me out in this situation. His name? Agent Blake Carter, FBI.


Author's Note: Ok, so long time no write. Sorry guys. Anyway enjoy this chapter and I was wondering; who is your favorite/least favorite character? I need to know because I need to know who to kill off. Lol, I'm kidding but as a reminder, if you're really stupid and didn't realize it, there will be a character death. Yeah I know, as if there hasn't been enough devasting shit. But please comment and vote. Were almost to the end. I just wanted to say thanks for sticking around this long. It means a lot. Bye guys and happy reading :-) 

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