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Don't ruin a Good Today because of a Bad Yesterday.

M Y R A.

*Beep Beep Beep Beep*

"Shit" Was all I managed to say before I fell off my bed because of my stupid alarm. Nice start Myra.

I quickly got out of my bed, got dressed and packed my bag and marched towards Angelo's, my sacred coffee shop.

I had an essay to submit today and I haven't even started it yet. So I planned on doing it there while drinking my coffee because I really don't feel like making some for myself today. Like a boss I know. Heh.

Just so you know, I find myself funny enough that I'm 100% sure I'm gonna end up marrying myself in the least self centric way I swear..

Okay that came out extremely cringey than I actually thought it to be.

But more than anything, the only thing I do honestly and perfectly is judge myself and overthink about irrelevant crap.

I'm my own tough critic, what can I say.

Okay but honestly I have random thoughts like these throughout the day, so yeah, it doesn't even matter anymore...

Enough about my weird thoughts anyway.

I stood in the queue waiting for my order which was now being processed. I've been standing in the line for about 5 minutes now and it's gets annoying when the kid in front of you won't shut the fuck up. Much to my joy, I soon saw him leave and almost a minutes after that, I saw my order come up.

I know how weird it sounds but I get those tingly butterflies fluttering in your stomach kind of feelings when I see my food coming back to me. Ahh... heaven.

I took in the blissful aroma of the hot coffee and my fresh warm croissant and immediately swooned. I politely thanked the person who brought my stuff and turned around to leave and get back on the table I had kept my assignments on.

Figured, who'd wanna steal it anyway?

The moment I turned around to get back to my seat, I bashed into something. A tall guy rather, and my whole tray was flat on the ground including my coffee which was now all over the guy's clothes while my Balmain boots were ruined forever.

I was beyond pissed at this point. I swear I could murder him for ruining my favourite shoes. These shoes costed me a bomb! Seriously! Balmain boots are not cheap. I've been saving up for them for about a year and now someone plans to ruin my efforts. GREAT.

"Can't you watch where you're going.... stupid fucking shit!" I spat angrily at the tall guy while I kept my eyes on the boots. My now ruined to the core boots.

"These shoes costed me a fortune brother! It's all ruined now, Ughh" I sighed angrily.

I get way too mad and when I'm hungry.... it's like the fuel to my fire. Not to be dramatic but I need food to actually think straight.

When I looked up at him, I swear it felt like my heart stopped beating. His face was so breathtaking. He was absolutely good looking . Curly hair, Green eyes. The kind of face that would win Home Coming King anytime.

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