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Be the change you wish to see in the world :)

H A R R Y.

"Wh-what?" I laughed in utter disbelief.

I saw her mouth was wide open too.

She quickly gulped and replied. "Harry. I'm sorry. I cannot. I-I just can't do this anymore." She said making a few hand gestures while speaking.

I felt a sharp pain attacking me from inside my chest.

"Why?" I asked in a low tone. My voice seemed lost at the moment.

"Ha-Harry..." she breathed. "I'm sorry." Her voice cracked but yet she spoke in a soothing tone.

She grabbed both my hands and looked me straight in the eye. "I cannot do this. I cannot toy with your feelings anymore. I. Do. Not. Like. You." She said word by word.

The words coming out of her mouth felt like a hard blow on my face.

"There is th-this one guy who I'm seeing." She said uneasily as she gave a weak smile. "It's been thirteen... actually, no... fifteen months since we got together. I no more possess feelings for you, Harry."

Thats when my heart shattered into a hundred million pieces right then.

Here I was, extremely excited to ask her to spend the rest of her life by me but she... she had other plans?

"Why?" My voice softened.

I could already feel water brimming in my eyes.

She just stood there clueless.

"Why? Why did you cheat on me? Did I do something wrong? D-Did I not give you everything?" I asked and she just scrunched her eyes close and nodded her head.

"Harry. Don't make this harder than it already--"

"Was my love not enough? I know I-I wasn't here most days but I made time for you. I tried to give you the best you could ever have and gave you all that I could, and by that I don't only mean my luxuries." A tear rolled down my cheek.

I wasn't embarrassed about the fact that I was now crying. I was hurt and I admit that.

I was hurt because maybe I couldn't give her all what she deserved. I don't think I gave her my best. Maybe that is why she felt the need to cheat on me.

Instead of blaming her or fighting or getting mad, my mind started reasoning why she did what she did.

"No. No. No. Harry. No." She wiped my tear away with her soft hands. "Don't cry." She gulped. "Please don't. You're making this even harder to do. I can't stay with you."

I stood there in silence as I saw a tear escape her eye too but she was quick to wipe it away.

"Harry, I feel I can't breathe when I'm with you. I suffocate." She said softly.

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