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You will never know the answer if you don't try...


2 days later.

L I A M.

To say I was extremely nervous right now would be the understatement of the century. I was dead scared thinking about all that could happen tonight. What if something goes wrong? What if Harry's anger gets the best of him and he does something stupid and impulsive like abandoning our show tonight? Would he do that to the crowd? To his fans more importantly?

Somehow I am more than willing to take this risk just for both their sakes, Harry and Myra I mean.

I took a deep breath before I opened the door and walked into the room, taking one quick overall glance of the room. All three of them were lying down on the floor with a shit ton of food and multiple packs of soda cans surrounding them.

"Oh there you are." Niall the moment he saw me.

"What took you so long?" Harry said in a bored voice. "Dress up quickly, doll. The show starts in 15 mins and I'm pretty sure you don't wanna go up there looking like that." He laughed.

What did he mean by 'Looking like that'?

The moment I asked myself that question, I realized what he was talking about just the following moment after that.

I was still in my black boxers and a white tank top.

I was feeling a little lazy today so I decided to just put on my black jeans and let the white tank top be. I really, really hope things go well or we're all screwed.


"LONDONNNNN!" Niall screamed. "Are you readyyyyyy?!"

The crowd seemed so energetic and excited. Everyone yelled a loud with either a "yeah" or a "hell yeah" and honestly it still makes me want to stand there in a corner for a while and stare at them with such awe! It's absolutely magnificent, a whole out of the world experience. The energy was electrifying. They were electrifying! Standing here in front of them definitely put me in a much better mood. I can never not put enough emphasis on the fact that they're just so friggin awesome in everything they do!! It's simply breathtaking.

Harry was standing a few feet away from me, looking really happy and energetic as well. I smiled; finally.

But then I saw it all happen; his jaw clenched and his body stiffened. I followed his gaze and saw where it was focused at. Oh my god. He was staring right at Myra while she did the same. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god.

The only reason I was already panicking so much was because of Myra. She was not friggin alone OH MY GOD.



Oh my god this situation was about to take a disastrous turn. I gave Shawn a 'Where-the-hell-is-Ellie' look and he just shrugged. Is he frickin serious right now?

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