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21 MAY 2016:
MY BIRTHDAY IS ON 22MAY  (thats tomo) AND I'M EXCITED AF! SO... sorry if I get a bit delayed ya know? xD

-------edited: 21/05/18--------



Stay close to anyone or anything that makes you feel glad that you're still Alive! :D


Jokes are one of the reasons why we laugh, but sometimes jokes can be the reason two people can fall in love together...

Now, Now, does that not remind you of our very own Harry and Myra?

Isn't it amusing though? The fact that there are so many people out there who secretly love someone and there are so many people out there who have absolutely no idea about how someone secretly loves them so much.

Both, Harry and Myra, went their own ways and led their now polar opposite lives.

They say, at the touch of love, almost everyone's inner poet peeks out and makes a debut in this world. Some peek out after the freedom and joy someone's love gets them while most sneak out from the fresh cracks developed on their once unharmed hearts.

Let's just say, that's exactly what happened to our homeboy, Harry.

The once sweet and innocent prince Myra had dared to leave behind was now high key confident about himself and turned out to be even more handsome than he already was.

As time passed his morals and beliefs changed gradually, some for the better and some for the worse. Said, "Confidence is always a sexy look for everyone but my looks definitely are a bonus to it."

Ha. True that, Prince Charming.

Harry chased his dreams and went in his own direction. He was now in the world's biggest boy band, known to everyone as One Direction.

The band was complete by his three other best mates standing by his side- Prince Liam, Prince Niall and Prince Louis.

It was a shocker for both, The royalties and the commoners to see four of their Prince's forming a musical band and making their name despite being known for titles and having unlimited wealth of their own already.

But of course that's not how our boys looked at it. This was nothing more than a mere recreational activity for them, initially, but when the four finally realised how surprisingly good they were all at it, they decided to give it a go anyway.

It was just their passion for music and a small little wish to reach out to everyone through their music.

For Harry, as much as singing was a recreational hobby/passion for him, it was also as much of a mean for him to connect with everyone out there and give them a good time with their music, even if it lasted for a minute or so.

These were his good qualities now let's have an insight on his not so good qualities.

To numb the pain Myra left behind for him to deal with along with the massive void in the heart, he started seeing several other ladies, earning him a big fat title of a 'Womanizer'.

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