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I sat in the lavish and warm book room reading a novel on the comfy couch placed near the window with a really nice cup of hot chocolate on a rainy Sunday. This is honestly the best way to spend your weekend in such a weather is what I feel.

I legit asked Harry to give me one of the spare rooms in his castle and well, I turned it into a nice and comfortable book room. Well, Now you'd ask why another book room? I agree we do have an existing book room but I wanted something more personalised and homely.
Harry and I both decorated it together.

I took a sip on my now, not-so-warm hot chocolate when suddenly the door creaked and footsteps were heard. I turned my head to see who it was and soon a figure ran up to me.

"Mum! Mum!" He half screamed.

"Yes baby. What happened?" I asked.

"Can I go to Casper's house? Pleaseeeee?" Our five year old said with puppy eyes. Oh how much he looks like his father. Curly hair, Green Eyes, His height and oh! those Godly Dimples.

"Course' hon." I said as I kept my book on the coffee table beside my couch and ruffled his hair.

"You're the best!!" He said and gave me a kiss before running towards the door.

"Just ask Jeffery to drop you!" I half yelled.

"Yes mom." He replied.

"Oh and Adam?" I said and he quickly turned around to hear what I wanted to say. "Do not and I'm strictly saying this Do not trouble the Horans or I swear they won't ever let you in." I pressed a smile.

"No gurantees mum." He chuckled as he ran again and I just noded.

I was about to pick up my book when footsteps were heard again. I looked up and only this time it was Harry walking in.

"Where's he going now?" He asked with a smile.

"At Niall and Vic's place to play with Casper." I giggled.

Just to answer your question, Yes, I still giggle and I definitely am not ashamed or embarrassed of it.

Casper was Niall and Victoria's kid. Yes. Niall did marry after a good 6 months or so after when Harry and I got married. Funny how a lot can happen in just 6 months.

"Finally." He breathed. "Now I get to spend Time with you. Alone." He laughed and then kissed on my cheek and sat beside me.

"Shutup! Poor things lonely and your trying to get rid of him. What kind of a father are you?" I slapped his chest playfully as I half laughed.

"Oh yeah? I'll show you what a good father is. Lets just solve this problem by getting him another sibling." He smirked at me and I blushed real hard. Still the typical Harry. Some things just don't change. NOT AT ALL.

If I give it a thought, The idea don't sound to bad because I've always wanted two kids. A son first and then a daughter. Don't get me wrong but it's not because I'm a sexist or something but because I wanna make sure if I have a baby girl I just want an elder brother to be there for her and protect her. This way no one will ever dare and mess with her when we're no longer around. Harry seemed so proud at me when I told him this.

"Okay." I breathed with a smile.

"What?" Harry laughed, seeming confused.

"I'm ready, Harry" I said with a little more confidence.

"I'll be back in a minute babe." Harry kissed on my forehead and rushed out nearly crashing into the door.

Oh, Oh! Incase your curious...and well if you remember Anne, lol, She is getting what she deserves. Harry suddenly took a stand in front of his father saying he wanted Me as his wife, as the future queen of this city and when his father agreed to him, Harry straight away told him what exactly Anne was all about.

Harry once told me that the day our first date took place and after I just walked away and he landing in a hospital was not just any coincidence or accident. 

He said, since his mum passed away and well when his father got married to Anne, she, after a few months used to torture Harry. She used to hit Harry, slap him, even beat him with a hunter while hanging him from the ceiling. She told harry's dad that she sent him at a friends place. Apparently she locked him down without water or food for days. Heartless bitch. She tried doing the same when I left Harry that  day. My worst ever mistake


Now she's rotting in the same cave she used to abuse Harry in.

Anyways, It's really hard to believe that all this has become my life. Who would have thought a normal girl would become a queen and have a royal family of her own? As crazy as it sounds, I am living the dream of millions. I have literally everything I ever wanted. Cars, Money, Development for my charity, Family, Health and ofcourse the love of my life, HARRY.

Six years and going strong!


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