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When one door closes, another one opens...

cuz thats how doors work, you go sis!



"Liam! Open the door!!" I yelled, continuously banging on the door hoping he would open it even though I knew I barely stood a chance.

"Sorry babe, I really am but you two really need to sort the shit that y'all have going on between y'all because none of us can take it anymore." Louis said, I couldn't see him but I could already sense him smiling through it. "Plus it's the only way to get the door to open."

"I hate you too Louis!" I said giving up already taking a seat on a near by stool next to the metalic blue mini fridge. 

I for one already predict that there is no way in hell Harry and I are going to talk to each other while we're here.

I started thinking and within the first second I realized something and quickly ran my fingers through my purse and dug out my phone. I speed dialed Shawn's number, hoping he would help. After about four rings he finally decided to pick up.

"Yelo" He said goofily.

"Shawn, listen up. I need your help, It's an emergency. I need you to come to----" I got cut off because he started speaking again.

"Look Myra. I already know what you're going to say but believe me it's for your own good. Now I'll talk to you later because all of us are going for drinks, have fun, we love you! Buh-bye.." and with that he hung up.

By the sound of it he sounded high. Neither Shawn nor I could handle our drinks. 

What mess did you get me in, Lord?

I looked up from my phone screen and came face to face with a smirking Harry. Idiot.

Believe the concert got me hyped and jumping off my feet and stuff but I don't think I have it in me to deal with a fully cracked in the head Harry alone; in a locked room with particularly no escape.

 A few second later he literally went back doing his business, not giving a fuck about being actually trapped in a room as he went on behaving like I wasn't in the room and honestly? I was completely fine by it. 

I just pray to god time passes by real quick and they give up and unlock the goddamn door. 

For some reason I could feel this awkward silence looming all over us in the room so I decided I rather use my phone and stop staring at him instead. 

Could he sense me staring tho? oH MY GOD, THATS EMBARRASSING.

I literally LIVE because of wifi. Data is good but its nothing compared to wifi and to be frank, I think I was out of data on my phone. Well, shit.

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