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Hey guys!! So there is Wifi here and honestly, I was feeling way too lazy to publish a chapter. Lol. Ik I can be selfish sometimes at times :P

So sorry to keep ya'll waiting lovelies. Heres the chap!




Love is not what you say to them, but what you do for them :)

M Y R A.

"Myra. You're back early?" My mom asked with a slight surprise in her voice.

I'm just glad she's keeping things normal after my attempt to stupidity. I know most parents would be twice as more attentive towards their child after they would pull out something like this and never leave them alone for quite some time but my mum is keeping things as it is and pretending nothing happened which is nice.

"Yeah. Kinda got bored out there so I came back..." I trailed off as I saw her stare at me with an intense gaze.

Oh, so she's pretending to sound like she's okay when she really isn't....

"Myra. Sweetie... I've been thinking for a little while now," she paused and looked at me. "Do you want to talk about what happened? yesterday I mean..." She asked in a soft voice but she sure was going awkward.

The talk.
The goddamn talk.

Is it necessary?

What can't we just forget it didn't ever happen?

I don't want to talk.

But I guess I needed to let out my trapped feelings. Although I plan not to go into the details of it because that'll just get ugly.

"Mom... um... I was um how do I put it?" I paused for a second to think. "Lonely..." now I was the one getting awkward now. "Harry and uh... I... we um... we broke up for some reason and I swear I wasn't thinking straight that moment and that's why I just..." I said making no eye contact, whatsoever.

Because I know that if I do, Those storm grey eyes of hers are going to suck me in and make me feel all the more guilty than I already was.

But then again, maybe it wasn't her. Maybe it was me.

Maybe I wasn't able to face her that's all...

"That is no excuse. You know that you can always come to me for a talk. Myra." She started strong but softly ended with my name. "Promise me you will never do that again. Ever." She said after a short pause, her facial expressions solid as ever.

"I promise." I softly said.

"Mom. There's one more thing I've been meaning to talk to you about." I said, not breaking our eye contact.

"Oh? What's that?" She noded slightly with an encouraging smile.

"So... I... um... I don't want to live here for a little while. I want to go to... uh... Canada for a little while." I stopped to look at her but seeing she hasn't said anything yet I continued.

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