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Hola guys! Okay, So just to tell you why it took me sooo long to update was because I couldn't think of any realistic, Matured way to put this thought into words. I seriously re-wrote this chapter for like 6 times now. Really. So please don't judge.

ILY guys Soooo much!



Good things come to those who wait.


Harry has been all protective and caring since I've come out of the hospital. He's giving me this adorable yet, the most annoying Baby treatment. I mean all he wants me to do is sleep and recover. I've been in my bed for about two weeks now. It is so difficult to sleep when, All you have to do is sleep.

Louis jumped in bed beside me, Laughing at my expense. I'll have to admit, Harry treating me like a baby kinda gets embarassing.

"So, Are you guys back together?" Louis asked.

"Uh No." Harry quickly replied before I could even open my mouth to answer. He sat near my feet, Well you could say at the edge of the bed...

"Well, Why not?" Niall barged in.

Oh did I tell you? Niall is no more disgusted by me...He's in our lil' secret too. I mean he was heartbroken to hear my reasons and he really felt bad about mistreating me earlier. Well, He hated me for something I wasn't and regreted every harsh and rude stuff he told me.

Funny isn't it? How you intend something for someone and it just affects the other person....I mean...

There was silence in the room. Neither me nor Harry decided to answer Niall at the moment.

"Wait....You guys still feel the same for each other right?" Louis awkwardly asked.

Damn Louis. You had to make it awkward for everyone here. Ughh.

I drew my gaze away from all of them and focused on my palm. "Uh...I do." I answered, picking on my skin. Suddenly my hand seemed more interesting than this entire conversation.

I looked up and my eyes met with green ones. They looked confused, Worried. Mostly uncertainty flashed in them.

"I-I don't know what to say anymore." Harry stuttered.

"The hell are you talking about?" Louis said in an annoyed tone.

"I said I Don't Know. I don't know how I feel about any of this anymore...." He trailed off.

And I was lost in space again.

"What are you so uncertain about mate? Myra's here. You're here. She likes you. You liked her. And don't bother denying the fact that you don't like her because we all know whatever songs you've written till now, Half of them are based on her or on you guys." Liam huffed as he crossed his arms across his chest, Clearly looking pissed.

"Liam....You can't force him into anything. Please don't make this conversation into something it isn't." I said with a pleading smile, hoping he'd calm down.

"I like her. I love her okay? The thing is I can't do any wrong to Taylor either." My head shot up as Harry looked Liam straight in the eye.

"After all this you care about....Taylor?! Mate, What kind of a joke is this huh?" Niall spat.

"I can't. Niall. I just can't." Harry began. "Taylor was there with me when Myra left me. She was there with me, Shoulder to Shoulder. She made me realise that someone was there with me. When I cried, She cried. And when I laughed, She did too...." Harry turned his gaze down to the floor.

I feel bad for him, I mean I put him through hell. And thank God that he sent Taylor to help out my baby. He's right. He just can't use anyone and dispose them off like they were nothing. I was mentally crying because Harry's mom raised a pure, TRUE King.

"Oh really? Thank God for Taylor. We three were just playing a FREAKIN BANJO AND A BASE GUITAR, CELRBRATING RIGHT BESIDE YOU. OH I FORGOT. I'M SORRY." Louis exploded. Yet the sarcasm won't leave his mouth.

"Okay. Okay." I raised my hands up in the air. "Louis. BREATHE. PLEASE!" And he just shot me a dirty look.

"Look I know this isn't you're fault and all, But you need to understand that I just ----" Harry began but I cut him off as I placed my hand on top of his.

"It's okay. I understand." I said assuringly. I tried to be as gentle as I could.

"Myra shutup!" Niall spat.

"No." I sternly said. "Harry is right. Imagine if I were to switch places with Taylor, And If Harry would just leave me after everything.... I'd feel betrayed and heartbroken too right? Would you guys be okay to see that?"

Suddenly everything went silent.....

"Look. Taylor is still his girl. And what kind of a Boyfriend would Harry be if he didn't look out for her?" I said trying to cheer up, But it was a lost hope.

"You guys, It's okay. I've always wanted to spend a forever by Harry side. Now it's Harry's decision if he wants to spend it by my side too. We can't just force him." I flashed a weak smile and looked down to the ground. "Guys. We need to respect and Support his descion too. We---"

"Myra." Harry breathed. "I love you. And there is nothing better than spending a forever by your side." And with that, He pulled my chin up, Cupped my face and kissed me. In front of everyone. Woah. This left me Breathless. This just feels so weird. Infact everything at this point of time feels weird. So I just went with the flow and kissed him back, As though there was nobody in the room.


This story is nearly where it should be. That means, It's nearing it's end.



Happy reading ya'll :D

All the love,
Mee!! :*


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