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Bad times doesn't last for long my darling. Although, If you feel like it's too much, then just throw your blanket on and sleep for 6 months straight.

H A R R Y.

Sitting in front of me was the girl who I thought I would always want to be with. The girl who I thought I could never live without. Funny how things turned around so quickly.

I saw her today, for the very first time in these five long years. She's doesn't look the same anymore. I mean it wasn't any major changes but in a way they were major, I you get what I mean. She was looking a bit more taller than she usually would back in the day, her facial structure had changed a lot actually.

She was no longer that girl I was in love with. Her transformation from a girl to an actual woman was just breath taking. She was already beautiful but now she was just gorgeous. Sure I'd never admit that to anyone out loud, I'm no fool.

When I walked in and saw her sitting there with them, I could have sworn I felt my heart stop beating. It was only for a fraction of few seconds but I saw the memories from our past run in front of my eyes like a film; literally everything.

It made me feel sick to the gut once I remembered all that she did in the end; everything was fake and I was the fool. I turned around to get back to my car and leave this place instantly. The moment I stepped outside I heard Louis call out to me and I stood still.

Louis talked me into going back just for them and all that crap. The smooth talker that her is, I finally agreed to come back in after a good fifteen minutes worth of useless banter.

I don't know but sitting right in front of her felt very suffocating for some reason. It was like I was put under a lot of pressure. When does it end good or okay when meeting up with your past ex's I mean....

My feelings took over my mind, I was no longer speaking logically. I was lost and wasn't making much sense to my own self so I just started spitting out questions without considering if they were rude or not; I just kept removing the burden one by one that was in my heart.

Of course that then affected her and she wanted to leave I could say but sat back for some reason.

Despite my snarky remarks, she stayed damn calm and struck back very gracefully. She was actually in control of her own self and that I do admit was commendable.

But of course we're all humans at the end of the day and she couldn't take it anymore so she politely got up and left and in that moment, I felt the heaviness of my words that left from my mouth. What have I been saying?

Oh god. I have been nothing but a prick tonight. No matter what she may have done in the past, its in the past. It's not like me to hurt her or anyone based on any of that; that's just not what I do, intentionally at least. What would be the difference between her and I, if I did exactly the same?

Guilt started catching up to me quick this time and I felt like a really shit person from within.

I don't know if she's genuinely being nice to me this time or it's just another one of her acts, but I should have been nicer. There is no excuse for being rude to anyone based on just a few emotions running loose in my mind. This, I take it, was my own fault.

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