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Do what makes you feel ALIVE!


M Y R A.

I couldn't help but silently swoon over the man standing in front of me. Those soft little curls grew till his neck, curling at the ends. I finally got to see the bunch of tattoos he got, from my own two eyes, standing near in the same room as him and that too in real life. He's got so many tattoos oh my god! However, his facial structure had changed a little; sharper jaw, chiseled cheekbones and visibly deeper dimples.

Not that I'm seeing him like this for the first time; since I've already stalked him a lot, virtually, but seeing him in reality is way more blissful than seeing him in pictures.

When he spotted us, he sent a wave in our direction but as soon he saw me, his face turned pale and his smile almost instantly disappeared. His expression somehow turned into disgust. He froze in his tracks but recovered just as quickly. Without wasting another second, he instantly spun around and started walking out.

"Shit." Louis said quickly before jumping out of his seat and running towards the door.

Everything was happening just so damn quickly oh my god.

Watching Harry walk away with that kind of hate... that kind of disgust filled in his eyes for me, I admit, was painful to come across. My eyes became a little watery. I mean I did that to him, why would I even expect other than that reaction from him?

A really small part of me, was really hoping to see him react the other way but the other major part of me knew, this was bound to happen.

"Relax. He'll get him here." Liam said reassuringly, rubbing my back and I just nodded as I stared at him blankly.

I had been preparing myself for the reaction, for that cold distant behavior but for some reason, that little hope inside of me, for him to act otherwise, ruined it all. It actually destroyed me.

I mean I knew it was a mistake coming here and yet I'm here, so I guess I'm to be held as much as responsible as him for hurting me and I accept that fact.


After a good ten minute wait later, Louis walked in followed by Harry calmly walking behind him.

I have been imagining this moment for a million times and in a million different ways by now but yet here I am, hesitating like shit and having my hands became sweaty and my heart beat rising by the second instead.

Harry didn't even bother looking at me, if at all, he gave me a short uninterested look and took a seat between Liam and Louis while I sat next to Niall keeping my bag on the one extra chair set bedside mine. Since the table was a rectangle, Harry and I were sitting face to face now. Well shit.

"So Harry..." Liam awkwardly began in hopes of starting up a healthy conversation. "Did you know Georgia Rose is none other than our Myra." Louis and Liam both awkwardly laughed.

I have to admit though, as much as it was awkward here, it was even more funnier seeing Liam trying to avoid all and any awkward silence.

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