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When was the Last Time you did Something for the First Time?

H A R R Y.

"It's because I'm---" I was cut off by a women who suddenly entered the room.

"Mom" Myra tried to jump out and hug her. "Ow" she continued.

I stood there slightly giggling, watching her struggle with all those piped needle tubes that were in pierced into her skin.

I seem to giggle a lot when I'm around her, I observed.

"Oh my, your majesty. I am so grateful to you and your kind actions, I do not know how to pay you back---"

"Why are you talking like that mom? You know him?" Myra laughed lightly, still oblivious to my reality.

"Myra! What do you mean I know him? Of course I do. He's the crowned King to be. What world are you living in?" She asked Myra in complete astonishment.

"Hahahahaha. Nice one mom! He's the prince of England?" She asked pointing at me with her thumb, but not waiting for an answer she continued anyway. "Wow. Nice to meet you buddy, I'm Micheal Jackson!" She snorted twice as she laughed. "World class dancer and singer" she winked at me accompanied by a short lived laugh.

That's new.

I just stood there smiling softly taking in the current situation.

This is the best entertainment I've had in a while.

"Myra this is serious!" Her mother said slowly.

After seeing that her mother wasn't even smiling a bit let alone laughing along with her, she probably took in the gravity of the situation.

Myra's jaw was wide open now. "Are you shitting me here? So you're the "HARRY EDWARD STYLES" the world know about?" She said my name doing air quotes with her fingers.

"That'd be me, yes." I said with a amused smile and nodded my head.

Her jaw dropped to the ground and her eyes went wide open.

I have to admit though, she had a foul mouth and a weird choice of vocabulary, but she was kind of adorable in her own weird way.

Key word: kind of.

"Your catching up quickly this time. Way to go genius" I laughed and was about to walk up to her and ruffle her hair but decided against not doing so in front of her mother.

"Oh my god." She said in a low voice. Mostly talking to herself. "I dropped my meal on the crowned fucking king. And instead of letting it go or apologising for it, I screamed at him?!? Oh my god. I'm so screwed. Fuck fuck fuck fuck." She said still keeping her eyes focused down on her fingers.

"You did what?" Her mum said in utter disbelief.

"Huh?" She said instantly looking up at her mother. "What? Did I say that out loud?"

Seeing the stern look on her mother's face she just face palmed herself.

Oh this is better than daily soap actually.

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